The Power of Prayer: Month of Mary Rosary Challenge

News | The Power of Prayer: Month of Mary Rosary Challenge

Posted 5 July 2019 by Catholic Education in News

“As a student, I am one of many who seem to almost lose themselves in the rush of schoolwork, extra-curricular activities and growing responsibilities,” shared Jaden from Mount Carmel Catholic College in Varroville.

“In this chaotic world, controlled by social media and influenced by the advancement of technology, it’s easy to not find time for reflection and engagement with faith, and to lose track of the important things in life.”

The Year 11 student, like many, admits the stimulation of life can get overwhelming – but he’s found a very low-tech solution. “Under the spiritual guidance of Assistant Religious Education Coordinator, Igor Pletikosa I have found a kind of haven or escape from the demands and ongoing pressures of our society,” Jaden said.

Since 2017, Jaden has been attending a weekly rosary session held at Mount Carmel Catholic College – and it’s now started a trend. “I have witnessed [the weekly sessions] grow profoundly,” he said. “What began as a weekly religious assembly of praying the rosary every Friday, has now grown into an ongoing spiritual culture of nourishing our faith.

“The rhythm of the repetitious prayer can have a profound spiritual effect. It can take us deeper, settle our minds, slow us down, heal our wounds, calm our hearts and enable us to rest in God's presence, creating peace that is rare and beautiful.”

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Over the last couple of years at Mount Carmel, collectively as a Marist and Carmelite community, the school has been partaking in the weekly praying of the Holy rosary. This year, the school initiated another opportunity for authentic evangelisation, which they have coined the ‘Month of Mary Rosary Challenge’.

“May is the month in which Catholics dedicate a moving tribute of faith and love to the Queen of Heaven, Our Blessed Lady Mary,” Mr Pletikosa said. “It is in this month that Christians, all around the world, offer up to Mary from their hearts an especially fervent and loving homage of prayer and veneration.

“The Month of Mary Rosary Challenge invites our staff and students to pray a daily decade of the rosary at different locations throughout the school. This tradition of the Church has been well embraced by the students, who have sought to further mature in their faith.”

"The rosary is the most excellent form of prayer and the most efficacious means of attaining eternal life. It is the remedy for all our evils, the root of all our blessings. There is no more excellent way of praying" — Pope Leo XIII

According to Year 12 student, Shequina the challenge has been inspirational, even for rosary beginners. “Truthfully, I had only attended Friday rosary maybe once or twice prior, but this month I opened myself up to this experience, so I too could accept and honour Mary in all of her grace,” she said.

“Each day I went to the new locations, and each time I was comforted by the presence of Mary, which manifested itself in the shut eyes, bowed heads and humbled hearts of my fellow peers and teachers.

“Our united voices, though quiet, was enough to console us on even the darkest of days - the passing of our beloved teacher, Peta Willard. Through prayer intentions to Mary, we were heartened by the faith that Mrs Willard is now an angel with Christ, inspiring each of us with a love that emulated the Blessed Virgin’s.” 

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CathNews, 9 July 2019 – Students find low-tech solution to deal with ‘chaotic world’

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