Ecological Conversion VIDEO Resources

CREATION CORNER: K-2 Religious Education Environmental Videos

Creation Corner'Creation Corner' is a place of wonder and awe which encourages ecological connections to faith and invites children to reflect on their part in creation. 'Creation Corner' links to the K-2 Religious Education curriculum as part of CEDoW's 'Pray School' video series that appeals to the spirituality of the child through storytelling, listening, responding and making connections to life.

View all our 'Creation Corner' episodes via the video playlist below. Click the playlist icon in the top-right of the below video frame to go directly to a specific video episode. (Turn audio on) 

See more of our CEDoW K-2 'Pray School' video episodes and resources here


EARTH BUZZ: Years 3-6 Religious Education Environmental Videos

Earth Buzz'Earth Buzz' is the place to dive in and have a closer look at what is happening around our planet, our common home. 'Earth Buzz' is part of CEDoW's 'Behind the Good News (BTGN)' program, a news report show with a range of segments related to Religious Education content aimed at Years 3–6.

TEACHER RESOURCE: View our student task cards for 'Earth Buzz' episodes here

View all our 'Earth Buzz' episodes via the video playlist below. Click the playlist icon in the top-right of the below video frame to go directly to a specific video episode. (Turn audio on) 

See more of our CEDoW Yrs 3-6 'Behind the Good News' video episodes and resources here