

Curriculum in Catholic schools encompasses more than just what is required to be taught. The unique nature of Catholic education calls for a holistic approach to developing each individual person. With Jesus as our model, Catholic education can nurture faith, inspire knowledge, instill wisdom and provide foundational values on which to build upon – the basis of the key decisions students will make in the future.

Enhanced by the example of Jesus, the curriculum in Catholic education is high in quality, innovative in pedagogy and ultimately guided by faith. Quality pedagogy calls all educators to address 21st century learning, that is adaptive to the dynamic world around us. Informed by curriculum expectations, teachers are challenged and supported to expand and deepen their knowledge and skills, continuously improving their practice so the learning opportunities and outcomes are maximised for EVERY child.

As a NSW educational system, Catholic education is mandated to deliver current NSW syllabuses as directed by NESA. Catholic educators bring these documents to life so that the diverse learning needs of students are acknowledged and every individual is catered for.

NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)

NESA has an increased focus on:

  • developing evidence-based policy to improve student achievement and support teachers across NSW public, Catholic and independent schools.
  • risk-based monitoring of Teacher Accreditation Authorities and schools.

NESA will set and monitor quality teaching, learning, assessment and school standards. This includes responsibility, across NSW public, Catholic and independent schools, for:

  • Kindergarten to Year 12 curriculum
  • accreditation of teachers and teaching degrees
  • the internationally recognised HSC
  • school registration and home schooling

Visit the NESA website for more information.

Diocesan Learning and Teaching Framework (DLTF)

Students in our care, across the diocese are the reason we exist; they are central to all that we do. It is the goal of every systemic school across the diocese, to strive to provide innovative, dynamic and quality learning for the students in our care.  The CEDoW Learning and Teaching Framework provides educators with a concise set of values and expectations for Catholic education. The framework focuses on two key elements of Catholic education – the learner and the learning: 


Each individual person is created in the image and likeness of God and is called to grow in wisdom and understanding with God and all of creation. In the formation of the human person, Catholic schools aim to create authentic learning experiences for all people and to nurture the capacity of each learner in a way that is authentic and life-giving.

Authentic learners:

  • acknowledge the living presences of God in their lives
  • aim to live in right relationship with God and all of creation
  • pursue purpose-filled life-long learning that seeks truth and meaning
  • seek to grow in wisdom, knowledge, skills and attitudes
  • accept responsibility and take initiative for their learning
  • think critically, flexibly, creatively and compassionately
  • make informed and just decisions
  • pursue a hope-filled future and strive to be a source of hope


Effective learning and teaching in a Catholic school is a purposeful process that integrates the faith, cognitive, moral, emotional, social, aesthetic and civic learning needs of all.

Authentic learning:

  • utilises a range of effective pedagogies
  • derives from positive social and emotional relationships
  • occurs in a range of safe and supportive environments
  • values individual differences and the dignity of the human person
  • occurs where learners are challenged and experience success
  • develops a culture of critical thinking enabling learners to take responsibility for their own learning
  • connects the knowledge of learners with relevant, real life experiences
  • values assessment and meaningful feedback within the learning and teaching cycle
download with padding6  Download the CEDoW Learning and Teaching Framework