
Part of what sets the iPad apart from other learning devices is the ease of access to all of the user's apps, as well as the power of what those apps can do. Combine this with the portability of a sleek, lightweight, mobile device and, suddenly, learning can happen anywhere, anytime!

ipads required apps

Everyday, new apps are being created around the world and uploaded to the App Store. Educational apps are one of the most dynamic and fast-growing areas, and some of these apps have already changed the face of education in schools around Australia and the world.

At the heart of our philosophy is the notion that every students deserves a quality learning experience that addresses their needs. The advent of iPads and educational apps has made this process much easier and incredibly exciting. But, the key word is 'quality', and we endeavour to seek out and use only those apps that have a worthwhile educational impact on our students.

Apps purchased or downloaded by an Apple ID remain attached to that Apple ID. Apps purchased or downloaded under an Apple ID cannot be transferred to another Apple ID.

Required Apps

There are some apps that we know our students will need to gain the maximum benefits from the iPad. While new apps are created everyday, and some come and go in terms of popularity, there are some 'required apps' apps that have stood the test of time and have proved extremely useful in an educational setting. Your school or child's teacher may provide you a list of required apps for the school year.


Resources for parents on apps

ipads apps

Many social media apps have an age restriction on them - that is, a minimum age requirement that is in the terms of use that you agree to when you download the app. Many have a 13+ age requirement, meaning children should be at least 13 years old to be using the app. The eSafety Office has a list of some the most popular social media apps and their minimum age requirements here.

Games, apps and social networking sites are particularly popular among children and young adults, but are constantly growing in number and evolving in nature. Stay on top of some of the most popular apps being used by children and young people with these resources:


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