
Mathematics is used to identify, describe and apply patterns and relationships. It provides a precise means of communication and is a powerful tool for solving problems both within and beyond mathematics. Mathematical ideas are constantly developing, and mathematics is integral to scientific and technological advances in many fields of endeavour. 

The below is for teachers of Mathematics across Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong. The links will take you to resources to support the teaching of the Mathematics syllabuses.

SLR KLA Program sharing



SLR KLA Programming Support Resources


SLR KLA Shared Activities


  SLR KLA External links


SLR KLA Standards Statements

(currently Stage 4)

   SLR KLA Maths Challenging Maths

Challenging Maths
Google Classroom


Assessment / Work Samples AND other resources

• View Working Mathematically resources for Stage 4 Mathematics: Measurement and Geometry, Number and Algebra, and Statistics and Probability.

Top Drawer Teachers provides resources for mathematics secondary teachers in the areas of reasoning, statistics and geometric reasoning. Each area or 'drawer' is divided into sections, generally: big ideas, misunderstandings, good teaching approaches, assessment, activities and downloads.

• Australian Curriculum provides mathematics curriculum resources for K-10 year levels and senior secondary years, as well as resources around mathematics proficiencies that students can engage with when learning and using the content of the mathematics curriculum. 

• SAM (Supporting Australian Mathematics) are resources aligned with the Australian Curriculum, written for teachers, by teachers. Funded by the Australian Government, this project and its resources are designed to help teachers and students deepen their mathematical content knowledge and "equip maths teachers to teach with enthusiasm and engage their students." Visit the SAM resources for Middle Years (Yrs 7-9) and for Senior Years (Yrs 11-12).

• CEDoW's 'iPads in Mathematics' Australia Curriculum project sought to develop engaging learning and teaching iPad experiences and resources for use by both students and teachers in Stage 4 and 5 Mathematics. The lessons are designed to implement iPads in the Mathematics classroom as an enrichment tool — to assist making Maths more enjoyable and enhance student learning. 


Extension Maths RESOURCES

• The UNWS Mathematics Enrichment Club  aims to encourage mathematical understanding and appreciation among students from Years 8 to 12. There are problem sheets and solutions from 2012-16 available in the left hand menu - these problem sheets can be used for advanced or extension classes and/or assessment questions.

• Access our Extension Activity Sets Google Drive folder - these Activity Sets were used initially as part of a creative assignment where students could complete some of these problems in order to gain extra resources with which to build the set task. These could also be used as a stand alone enrichment activity for students to practice their problem solving skills.

• Access our Code Breaking Activities Google Drive folder for resources and teacher notes on the Caesar Wheel, Affine Cipher and the Pigpen and Railfence Ciphers.

• Access our Problem Solving Activities Google Drive folder - they contain access a series of challenging mathematical experiences for students, grouped under Crossing Problems; Logic Problems; Arithmetic Problems; and Advanced Problems. These can be used either as independent work or group work to challenge students in their problem solving skills.