Numeracy in History

Numeracy involves using mathematical ideas effectively to participate in daily life and make sense of the world. It incorporates the use of numerical, spatial, graphical, statistical and algebraic concepts and skills in a variety of contexts and involves the critical evaluation, interpretation, application and communication of mathematical information in a range of practical situations.

Click the below strands of the Stage 4 Mathematics course to access the relevant section of the Stage 4 Statement, a corresponding NAPLAN questions where performance was not strong, and examples of History tasks that can integrate numeracy. 


In 2017, Year 9 students were unable to do this below Stage 4 question, extracted from the exam the students sat. Students performed worse when compared with their peers across the state by more than 10%. 

The original price of a television is $2500. Micah buys the television at a sale for 15% off the original price. He has a discount voucher for an additional $75 off the sale price. What percentage of the original price does Micah pay for the television? 82%

Stage Statement (Stage 4)

Students use percentages, decimals and fractions to solve problems they are likely to encounter in their everyday lives. This involves:

  • converting a percentage to a fraction or a decimal,
  • finding a percentage of a given amount,
  • increasing or decreasing an amount by a given percentage, and
  • expressing one amount as a percentage of a whole.

Explicit teaching strategies should include exploring relationships using percentages and percentage calculations to answer harder questions. Questions should involve multiple steps utilising the skills mentioned above. Students develop mental strategies, recognise equivalences and explain their answers. 


What percentage of the population was killed through the Holocaust? What percentage of the population was wiped out by the plague?

Since the ancient Egyptians, what percentage of time has occurred since Christ was born?



In 2017, Year 9 students were unable to do this below Stage 4 question, extracted from the exam the students sat. Students performed worse when compared with their peers across the state by more than 10%. 

A rectangular sheet of paper has an area of 302.5 square centimetres. What is the area of the paper in square millimetres?
a)      3.025 square millimetres
b)      30.25 square millimetres
c)      3 025 square millimetres
d)    30 250 square millimetres

Stage Statement (Stage 4)

Students use metric units to measure and convert to solve problems they are likely to encounter in their everyday lives. This involves:

  • finding the size/length/volume/mass of objects using multiple units of measurement
  • determining the most appropriate unit of measurement for a given circumstance
  • expressing a length/area/volume/mass using a variety of units of measurement

Explicit teaching strategies should include exploring relationships between the tool used to measure and the units that the measurement is expressed in. Questions could involve multiple steps utilising the skills mentioned above. Students develop mental strategies, recognise equivalences and explain their answers.


Find the origin of the prefixes miIii- (thousandths of), centi- (hundredth of), kilo (1000 wholes), mega (1 million wholes), deca- (10 wholes), deci- (tenth of). Discuss why these were necessary.

Express time in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries.

E.g. How many seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries have passed since Australia was invaded? (express using all of these values)

How many millimetres/centimetres/metres/kilometres did Captain James Cook travel to get from England to Australia?



In 2017, Year 9 students were unable to do this below Stage 4 question, extracted from the exam the students sat. Students performed worse when compared with their peers across the state by more than 10%. 

Thomas is making a rectangular yard for his sheep. He wants the yard to have an area of at least 500 square metres. He has two sides, each 33.6m in length.
What is the smallest possible length of each of the other two sides, rounded to one decimal place?

a)            14 metres
b)            14.8 metres
c)            14.9 metres
d)            15 metres

Stage Statement (Stage 4)

Students use multiplication, division, area formula and rounding to solve problems they are likely to encounter in their everyday lives. This involves:

  • understanding practical applications of multiplication
  • understanding division as the opposite to multiplication
  • finding the area of rectangles
  • finding the missing length of a rectangle when the area is provided with one other side length
  • rounding decimals to the whole number; one and two decimal places

Explicit teaching strategies should include exploring relationships between area of rectangles and side length in conjunction with the connection between multiplication and division. Additional to this, teachers should explicitly teach students to round answers according to the circumstance requirements. Questions could involve multiple steps utilising the skills mentioned above. Students develop mental strategies, recognise equivalences and explain their answers. 


How did the area that the Roman's occupied change over years? If these areas were in a rectangle instead of spread out, what dimensions could they be? Compare this to the size of Australia.

New South Wales has changed in size over the years since it was invaded. Create a timeline of the area. Represent these changes using rectangles with different dimensions. Round your answer to the nearest hundred, ten, unit, tenth and hundredth.

Calculate the duration of time that has passed since Australia was invaded. Do this in years, rounding your answer to the nearest hundred, ten, unit, tenth and hundredth.



In 2017, Year 9 students were unable to do this below Stage 4 question, extracted from the exam the students sat. Students performed worse when compared with their peers across the state by more than 10%. 

David places a game piece at (-3,1). He moves the game piece down 3 units. What are the new coordinates of the game piece? 

a)    (-6,1 )
b)    (-3,-2)
c)    (-3,4)
d)     (0,1) 

Stage Statement (Stage 4)

Students locate, plot and transform points on the number plane. This involves:

  • locating points on the Cartesian plane using positive and negative number combinations
  • plotting points using positive and negative number combinations
  • performing reflections, translations and rotations with and without a Cartesian plane.

Explicit teaching strategies should include exploring relationships between the x and y axis and plotting or locating points. Additionally, students should understand the metalanguage appropriate for transformations and how to apply them. Questions could involve multiple steps utilising the skills mentioned above. Students develop mental strategies, recognise equivalences and explain their answers. 


What is the origin of Cartesian coordinate plane? Why did they invent them? Who was the person who invented them?



In 2017, Year 9 students were unable to do this below Stage 4 question, extracted from the exam the students sat. Students performed worse when compared with their peers across the state by more than 10%. 

What is the size of the angle marked x in the diagram below? 80 degrees

SLR Angle Properties Stage 4 NAPLAN question

Stage Statement (Stage 4)

Students use angle properties of triangles and quadrilaterals to find the size of unknown angles. This involves:

  • knowing angle sum of triangles and quadrilaterals
  • applying knowledge of angle sum of quadrilaterals or triangles to solve problems

Explicit teaching strategies should include exploring relationships between angle sum of a variety of different sided shapes and provide opportunities for problems solving to determine the size of angles in shapes that are irregular. Questions could involve multiple steps utilising the skills mentioned above.

Students develop mental strategies, recognise equivalences and explain their answers. 



In 2017, Year 9 students were unable to do this below Stage 4 question, extracted from the exam the students sat. Students performed worse when compared with their peers across the state by more than 10%. 

6 + (15 - 6 x 2 + 1) = Z    What number does 'Z' represent?

a)      31
b)      25
c)      10
d)      8

Stage statement (Stage 4) 

Students use the operations and order of operations to solve problems they are likely to encounter in their everyday lives.

This involves using a combination of operations in any given problem utilising a specified order. The operations include:

  • parenthesis
  • exponentials
  • multiplication
  • division
  • addition 
  • subtraction

Explicit teaching strategies should include solve problems where multiple combinations of the above skills are mentioned to answer harder questions. Questions should involve multiple steps where increased difficulty is explored as students gain confidence. Students develop mental strategies, recognise equivalences and explain their answers.


For further information and examples around integrating numeracy into History teaching, visit the NESA Filter Syllabus page and select Syllabus (History); Stage (4) and Learning Across the Curriculum (Numeracy) to find other potential numeracy learning experiences in the History syllabus.