Resource Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Secondary Learning Resources provided in this space for each Key Learning Area. If you have any further questions, please contact XX.

Can I change any of the programs?

Yes. If you do make significant changes/improvements to the program it is requested that you share them back with us. This way everyone will benefit.

Can I have edit access?

No. If you wish to edit any of the resources, please make a copy of the resource and then make your changes. Access to the master copies is restricted.

Do I have to use the assessment task provided?

No. Schools may wish to develop their own assessment tasks to better suit their needs. When making changes, be mindful to update your copy of the unit program to ensure you maintain compliance.

Am I restricted to the format of the documents on this website?

No. Schools all have their own unit program and assessment notification templates. You should copy the information in these CEDoW documents into your school-specific format. You are responsible for developing anything that is in your template that is not provided in our documents.

Where is the differentiation in the unit program and assessment notifications?

Whilst some references to differentiation (modified, extension, life skills) are provided, these unit programs and assessment notifications are by no means comprehensive in this regard. As the class teacher, you are responsible for differentiation for the learners in your classroom.

A link is not working!

If you find a link that has expired, or you are having access issues to any of the google drive documents, please email Clearly outline the issue you are having. A screenshot of the area of the program being referred to may be helpful.

Can I make suggestions for changes to the units?

Yes. Your feedback is appreciated. Please complete the feedback google form.

Can I write a unit for next year?

We would love for you to share your skills with us. Our writers for previous years have done a fantastic job and should be commended for their work. It is hoped that we can continue to increase the amount of units on this site this year.



Executive Assistant
School Improvement - Secondary 
P: (02) 4253 0825