Please see the following 2025 Secondary Sport Events:

February 26 - AFL Boys 15's Southern NSW Combined Trials - Wollongong/Parramatta/Bathurst and Canberra/Goulburn
February 28 - Touch Girls Championships
March 3 - Bowls Inter-School Challenge
March 6 - Touch Boys Championships
March 10 - Swimming Championships
March 26 - Rugby League Boys 15’s & Opens & Girls 16's Selection Trial
March 27 - Football (Soccer) Boys 13 Years, 7-9 and 10 Pathway
March 27 - Football (Soccer) Girls 13 Years, 7-9 and 10 Pathway
March 31 - Netball Girls 15's & Opens
April 8 - Football (Soccer) Boys Open Championships and Squad Selections
April 10 - Rugby League Girls 18's Southern Country Trials - Wollongong/Bathurst/Canberra/Goulburn and Wagga Wagga
May 2 - Football (Soccer) Girls Open Championships and Selections
May 5 - Cross Country
May 15 - Football (Soccer) Boys Open Selection Trials
May 15 - Football (Soccer) Girls Open Selection Trials
June 12 - Basketball Boys & Girls Yr 7-8 & Yr 9-10 Qualifying Tournament
June 13 - Netball Championships
June 19 - Football (Soccer) Girls Years 7-9 & Open Knockout
June 20 - Football (Soccer) Boys Years 7-9 & Open Knockout
June 23 - Hockey Open Boys & Girls Championships
June 25 - Volleyball Open Boys & Girls Championships
August 1 - Tennis Boys & Girls Teams Qualifying Event
August 22 - Athletics
September 17 - Cricket Boys Years 7-9 Championships
September 18 - Cricket Girls Years 7-9 Championships
October 17 - AFL 14 Year Boys Championships
October 17 - Girls AFL Years 7-9 Championships
October 20 - Basketball Boys Championships
October 20 - Basketball Girls Championships

February 26 - AFL Boys 15's Southern NSW Combined Trials - Wollongong/Parramatta/Bathurst and Canberra/Goulburn

This boys preliminary AFL trial is for students from Wollongong, Parramatta, Bathurst and Canberra/Goulburn Dioceses


Wednesday 26 February, 2025 (Back Up: 11 March)


8:30am - Management arrival

8:45am - Student registration

9:30am - Trial starts

2:00pm - Trial concludes (approximate, this will depend on trial numbers)


TBC - Port Kembla Eagles Junior AFL Club, Opposite Walker Street, Northcliffe Dr Warrawong, NSW (Scully Bay, Warrawong) TBC


Kathryn Preece
Wollongong Catholic Education Office 


$20 to cover ground hire, first aid and trial personal 


All students/teams will need to make their own way to and from the venue. 

Nominations - OPEN

  • All student nominations are to be entered via this NOMINATION LINK by 13 February, 2025 (nominations close)
  • All details in the nomination should be completed.
  • School Sport Coordinators will be sent the list to approve students to attend the trial.
  • School Sport Coordinators will distribute a selection letter for students to attend the trial (students will be instructed to register via the CSNSW Sport website for Southern NSW AFL Trials)
  • Students must have school permission before attending this trial


Students must be turning 14 or 15 in the year of competition.

Years: 8 - 10 (13 years old are not eligible to trial due to student safety and risk assessment)

Students are required to have experience in the game of Australian Football, be playing in regular competition. Representative background in Australian Football, although not compulsory, will be an advantage


What to bring

  • Appropriate gear for game conditions eg. boots, socks, headgear etc
  • Mouthguard is compulsory
  • Medication eg Asthma inhaler
  • Strapping tape
  • Jumpers will be provided for the game
  • Water Bottle
  • Lunch 

February 28 - Touch Girls Championships


Friday 28 February, 2025 (Back up: 9 April)


8:30am - Teams arrive

9:10am - Team managers meeting (Selection forms should be handed into selection coordinator for 15's & opens at this time)

9:30am - First round starts

3:00pm - Trial concludes


Dalton Park, Fairy Meadow


Tara Pontin
Mount Carmel Catholic College


$70 per team - school will be invoiced at the end of Term 1


All students/teams will need to make their own way to and from the venue. 


  • Schools will need to nominate teams in each division.
    There are 3 divisions 13's, 15's & Opens (see age group information below)
  • Teams will be nominated by school sports coordinators.


Playing Time

12 minutes in duration with no half time. A hooter will indicate the start and finish of each game. Players must be ready to start the game on the hooter - there will be a 3-minute break between games. If a team is late, where one team has taken the field with referee in position and hooter sounded, a try will be awarded each minute to the waiting team until the opposing team takes the field. If after 5 minutes the team has still not arrived the late team will forfeit.


Players must stay in the same age group all day.

  • 13’s – players must not turn 14 anytime in 2025.
  • 15’s – players must not turn 16 anytime in 2025.
  • Open’s – players must not turn 19 anytime in 2025.

Point Score

There will be no finals played. The winner will have the highest point score at the end of all the rounds. If two teams are equal on points, for and against will be use to determine the winner. Points: Win 3 points, Draw 2 points, Loss 1 Point, Forfeit 0 points


Live Result Tracking:

Carnival match results will be uploaded throughout the day to the web. They can be accessed via the following link

Score Sheet 

The winning team must return the score sheet signed by both team coaches or captains after each game to the recording table. The score sheets will be located in a folder on the halfway mark of each ground.

Pre-Exisiting Injury Information
Carers and/or students are required to notify their school and team coach or manager/s should the athlete be carrying a pre-existing injury leading into an event including concussion. A student who has sustained a concussion injury may not return to contact/collision activities until the resolution of all symptoms and a medical clearance. For further information refer to Sports Medicine Australia Concussion at link

More Information 

  • According to NSW Touch Association, 6 a side, with a school squad of between 12players has been suggested 
  • Change ends after each touch down.
  • All 12 players must have a number on their shirts. Player's shirt numbers must match their number on the team sheet for selection purposes.
  • All teams are required to bring their own whistles, balls, playing uniforms, water, food, sun screen, etc.
  • Each school must supply their own referees (ONE PER TEAM ENTERED)
  • Canteen facilities to be advised.
  • All teams are to bring their own First Aid Kits.
  • There is limited shade at the ground.  Schools are encourage to bring their own shade structure and ensure they are fully secured.
  • Please ensure students bring adequate sun protection clothing and equipment (hats, sunscreen etc).
  • Normal wet weather procedures: SMS to sport coordinators, Instagram communication and radio announcements.
  • Students are not allowed to go to the beach – the beach area is out of bounds


To gain selection in the Wollongong Diocese Teams, players must play in the 15 years and Opens divisions. Selectors will meet with team managers at 12.30pm (Opens) and 12:45pm (15's) to discuss nominated players to date and look at omissions. This meeting is confidential, and no feedback should be given back to anyone. Selectors will watch games and announce the representative teams at the conclusion of the day.

The selection pro forma must be filled out by the coach and handed into the selection coordinator at the 9.10am managers meeting. Coaches are to nominate their better players only on this sheet.  Please note the importance of numbering as otherwise the incorrect player may be selected.  
To gain selection in the Wollongong Diocese Teams, players must play in the 15 years or Opens divisions.  This meeting is confidential, and no feedback should be given back to anyone. Selectors will watch games and announce the representative teams at the conclusion of the day. These teams will compete in the NSWCCC Touch Championships. Selected students will receive information about the NSWCCC Touch Championships.

NSWCCC Touch Championships

CCC Touch Championships: 29 & 30 April, 2025

Venue: Tuggerah - Central Coast

Travel: By Coach

Cost: The anticipated levy will be around $250 which includes return coach transport, accommodation, breakfast, team playing levy & tent hire.

Coaches, team managers and referees are to report for a briefing at 9.10am. Selection Forms for the 15's and Opens should be handed in at this time.

  • PLEASE DO NOT REGISTER FOR THE CCC EVENT until you have been selected in the Wollongong team.
  • Once selected in the team online registration is compulsory for ALL students who are intending to participate in the NSWCCC Touch Championships.
  • Parents are required go to the CSNSW Sport website: and create an account if they do not already have an existing one (a tip sheet on how to register is available here). Once registered as a member of the Wollongong team for the NSWCCC Touch Championships parents/carers will receive all information online about the NSWCCC event, be able to order and pay for Diocesan rep gear, pay levies and have parents and Principals approve their participation. All this will be online with no need for any paperwork.

March 3 - Bowls Inter-School Challenge


Monday 3 March 2025


8.45am - Arrival and registration

9.00am - Event brief, lawn bowls information, goals and pathway opportunities (*note Regional Finals 30 June - 4 July, venue to be confirmed in early May. State final s in November, details to be confirmed)

9.30am - 10.30am Skills/Coaching session

10.30am - break/individual practice

11am - 1.30pm Inter school challenge

2.00pm - Presentations/ competition and day wrap


Club Thirroul - 2B Station St, Thirroul NSW 2515


John Sparks
Wollongong Catholic Education Office 




Schools are invited to nominate TWO teams into the competition, teams are made up of THREE players 

  • Unified team
  • Mixed team
  • Boys/Girls 


All students/teams will need to make their own way to and from the venue. 

Expression of Interest Form 

  • Schools are invited to complete this form to indicate their availability and interest in competing in the Wollongong Diocese Bowls Inter-School Challenge. The winning team (s) will progress to the Regional Bowls between 30 June and 4 July (venues and dates to be confirmed early May), with progression to State Finals in November - Date and venue TBC. 
  • Schools are to complete the expression of interest form by Friday 21 February 


More Information 

  • Two sets of 5 ends: Each team competes in two sets, with 5 ends played in each set.
  • Power Play: Each team is entitled to one power play per set. This must be nominated before the start of the set and can be used at any point during that set.
  • Tie-breaker: If each team wins one set, an additional end will be played to determine the winner.

March 6 - Touch Boys Championships


6 March, 2025 (Back up: 4 April)


8:30am - Teams arrive

9:10am - Team managers meeting (Selection forms should be handed into selection coordinator for 15's & opens at this time)

9:30am - First round starts

3:00pm - Trial concludes


Dalton Park, Fairy Meadow


Kellie Anderson

Mater Dei, Camden

Kathryn Preece

Catholic Education Office, Wollongong


$70 per team - school will be invoiced at the end of Term 1


All students/teams will need to make their own way to and from the venue. 


  • Schools will need to nominate teams in each division.
    There are 3 divisions 13's, 15's & Opens (see age group information below)
  • Teams will be nominated by school sports coordinators.


Playing Time

12 minutes in duration with no half time. A hooter will indicate the start and finish of each game. Players must be ready to start the game on the hooter - there will be a 3-minute break between games. If a team is late, where one team has taken the field with referee in position and hooter sounded, a try will be awarded each minute to the waiting team until the opposing team takes the field. If after 5 minutes the team has still not arrived the late team will forfeit.


Players must stay in the same age group all day.

  • 13’s – players must not turn 14 anytime in 2025.
  • 15’s – players must not turn 16 anytime in 2025.
  • Open’s – players must not turn 19 anytime in 2025.

Point Score

There will be no finals played. The winner will have the highest point score at the end of all the rounds. If two teams are equal on points, for and against will be use to determine the winner. Points: Win 3 points, Draw 2 points, Loss 1 Point, Forfeit 0 points


Live Result Tracking:

Carnival match results will be uploaded throughout the day to the web. They can be accessed via the following link

Score Sheet 

The winning team must return the score sheet signed by both team coaches or captains after each game to the recording table. The score sheets will be located in a folder on the halfway mark of each ground.

Pre-Exisiting Injury Information
Carers and/or students are required to notify their school and team coach or manager/s should the athlete be carrying a pre-existing injury leading into an event including concussion. A student who has sustained a concussion injury may not return to contact/collision activities until the resolution of all symptoms and a medical clearance. For further information refer to Sports Medicine Australia Concussion at link

More Information 

  • According to NSW Touch Association, 6 a side, with a school squad of 12-14 
  • Change ends after each touch down.
  • All 12 players must have a number on their shirts. Player's shirt numbers must match their number on the team sheet for selection purposes.
  • All teams are required to bring their own referees, whistles, balls, playing uniforms, water, food, sun screen, etc.
  • Each school must supply their own referees (ONE PER TEAM ENTERED)
  • Canteen facilities to be advised.All teams are to bring their own First Aid Kits.
  • There is limited shade at the ground.  Schools are encourage to bring their own shade structure and ensure they are fully secured. Please ensure students bring adequate sun protection clothing and equipment (hats, sunscreen etc).
  • Normal wet weather procedures: SMS to sport coordinators, Instagram communication and radio announcements.
  • Students are not allowed to go to the beach – the beach area is out of bounds


To gain selection in the Wollongong Diocese Teams, players must play in the 15 years and Opens divisions. Selectors will meet with team managers at 12.30pm (Opens) and 12:45pm (15's) to discuss nominated players to date and look at omissions. This meeting is confidential, and no feedback should be given back to anyone. Selectors will watch games and announce the representative teams at the conclusion of the day.

The selection pro forma must be filled out by the coach and handed into the selection coordinator at the 9.10am managers meeting. Coaches are to nominate their better players only on this sheet.  Please note the importance of numbering as otherwise the incorrect player may be selected.  
To gain selection in the Wollongong Diocese Teams, players must play in the 15 years or Opens divisions.  This meeting is confidential, and no feedback should be given back to anyone. Selectors will watch games and announce the representative teams at the conclusion of the day. These teams will compete in the NSWCCC Touch Championships. Selected students will receive information about the NSWCCC Touch Championships.

NSWCCC Touch Championships

CCC Touch Championships: 29 & 30 April, 2025

Venue: Tuggerah - Central Coast

Travel: By Coach

Cost: The anticipated levy will be around $250 which includes return coach transport, accommodation, breakfast, team playing levy & tent hire.

Coaches, team managers and referees are to report for a briefing at 9.10am. Selection Forms for the 15's and Opens should be handed in at this time.

  • PLEASE DO NOT REGISTER FOR THE CCC EVENT until you have been selected in the Wollongong team.
  • Once selected in the team online registration is compulsory for ALL students who are intending to participate in the NSWCCC Touch Championships.
  • Parents are required go to the CSNSW Sport website: and create an account if they do not already have an existing one (a tip sheet on how to register is available here). Once registered as a member of the Wollongong team for the NSWCCC Touch Championships parents/carers will receive all information online about the NSWCCC event, be able to order and pay for Diocesan rep gear, pay levies and have parents and Principals approve their participation. All this will be online with no need for any paperwork.

March 10 - Swimming Championships


Monday 10 March 2025


8:00am - Warm up

8:30am - Carnival starts

3:00pm - Carnival concludes 


Corrimal Pool
Short St
Corrimal NSW 2518


John Sparks
Catholic Education Office


$14.00 per student.
School will be invoiced at the end of Term 1


All students/teams will need to make their own way to and from the venue. 


  • All team entries are to be emailed to John Sparks (
  • All schools are expected to submit their entries using the two filemaker pro files, Names and Names2. These can be exported from your school carnival if using the sports carnival manager program or down loaded from the CEO homepage using this link.
  • Students competing in the multi-class events should be entered with your school team. *Please note that students looking to represent the Diocese at the NSWCCC Championships in multi-class events MUST be officially classified.
  • School official name and school data should be completed online using the above FORM
  • Please see instructions below about your school based entry requirements
  • Team entries, school official and school data are due by MONDAY 24 FEBRUARY, 2025

Event Links

More Information 

  • All races to be swum according to the rules of NSW Swimming Inc.
  • Age as at 31st December 2025
  • Divisions:
    • Junior: 12 -14 years
    • Intermediate: 15 & 16 years
    • Senior: 17+ years
  • Swimmers must compete in their own age group and remain there for the entire meet. There is no restriction on the number of events a competitor may enter.
  • Each School may enter one competitor/team per event with the exception of the 50m Freestyle event where two nominations will be accepted.
  • 2025 Additional Events/Entries in the 100m Breaststroke, 100m Backstroke and 100m Butterfly
    This year a NSWCCC the 100m events listed above have moved away from the traditional categories of Junior (12-14 years) and Intermediate (15-16 years) to include individual age races in 12/13 years, 14 years, 15 years and 16 years. The 17+ age category remains the same. For the Wollongong Diocesan swimming championships we will NOT be adding these additional races. To foster this pathway, schools will now be allowed/encouraged to enter 2 competitors in our existing program. This includes the 100m Breaststroke (Event #21-24), the 100m Backstroke (Event # 43-44) and the 100m Butterfly (Event # 93-96).
    The 2 entries for each event should include the best 12/13 year old and the best 14 year old for each of the 100m events listed. Schools should enter their best 15 year old best 16 year old in the events. The 17+ events remain the same with one competitor only.
  • *New in 2025 - NSW All Schools has removed all 12 years events and instead will run combined 12/13 years events. This will impact on all 50m events for all disciplines (freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly) and the 100m freestyle. Our Wollongong program will still run 12 events this year but will select the best 12 or 13 year competitor’s result into the Wollongong team to progress to the NSWCCC Swimming Championships.
  • The one start rule will apply at this carnival (Referees and carnival convener have the discretion to restart a race).
  • All multi class swimmers should be entered in your school team entries.  Multi class swimmers must be classified if they intend to progress onto the NSWCCC Championship. Multi-class events for boys and girls will be swum in junior (12-15 years) and senior (16-19 years) age divisions. The 50m freestyle, 50m breaststroke and 50m backstroke events will be held at the Diocesan Carnival.  Multi-class students will also be able to nominate for 100m freestyle and 50m butterfly at the CCC championships using this LINK. Nominations close on Monday 10 March, 2025.

200m & 400m Freestyle Nominations

These events are not swum at the Diocesan Carnival.  Students looking to apply for these events and swim them at NSWCCC will need to nominate by using this LINKTimes submitted should be ratified from previous swim meets.Nominations for the 200m and 400m Freestyle close on Monday 10 March, 2025.


A charge of $14.00 per student is to be levied to cover costs of trophies, ribbons (1st - 3rd), pool hire, NSW Swimming Electronic timing, morning tea/lunch and payment for officials and hire of the club house and club equipment. Your school will be sent an invoice for this amount so there is no need to bring any money with you on the day.


On review of the number of events to be staged and use of student timekeepers at the carnival and for the smooth running of the day, schools are asked to provide TWO (2) officials. These officials can be parents and will be utilised as timekeepers or potentially as a judge. Students maybe used as back up timekeepers as one of your officials but must be available all day. Parents with swimming club involvement or background would be preferable. If your school can provide more than two they would be more than welcome to help with officiating. Please indicate on the online FORM the names of your officials by Monday 24 February 2025.

Entering your Team

All schools are expected to submit their entries using the two filemaker pro files, Names and Names2. These can be exported from your school carnival if using the sports carnival manager program or down loaded from the CEO homepage. The Names and Names2 files should be emailed to Students with disabilities should also be entered using this process.

Your entry should list clearly the name of each competitor, the competitor's date of birth and then all event numbers that the student is entered in. Each competitor's name should only appear once, please list the full first name starting with a capital letter – do not use upper case for all letters. For the 50m freestyle event schools are required to nominate their best competitor in heat 1 and their next best in heat 2.  This will assist in programming heats.

Team Changes
Any team changes can be made using the online FORM  above. Online changes will be accepted up until Wednesday 5 March. After this time changes are to be made on the day at the marshalling area.

Entries are due by Monday 24 February 2025.

Point Allocations 

The points allocation for placings is as follows:
Individual events: 1st 20, 2nd 16, 3rd 12, 4th 10, 5th 8, 6th 6, 7th 4, 8th 2, 9th 1, 10th 1
Relays: double points.
Individual results only will be calculated to work out age champions.

Could Trophy Winners for 2024 please return these on the day
Girls Winners – St Mary's College
Boys Winners – Edmund Rice College
Overall Winners – Corpus Christi

Pre-Exisiting Injury Information
Carers and/or students are required to notify their school and team coach or manager/s should the athlete be carrying a pre-existing injury leading into an event including concussion. A student who has sustained a concussion injury may not return to contact/collision activities until the resolution of all symptoms and a medical clearance. For further information refer to Sports Medicine Australia Concussion at link

NSWCCC Swimming Championships 

A team will be selected to represent the Wollongong Diocese at the NSWCCC Championships to be staged at Homebush on Wednesday 2 April (twilight start for relay and distance events - TBC) and Thursday 3 April 2025.

Parents/carers are reminded NOT to register on the CSNSW website until their son/daughter has officially been selected in the Wollongong swim team.

On selection, registration will be compulsory for ALL students who are selected in the Wollongong teams
Parents are required go to the CSNSW Sport website: and create an account if they do not already have an existing one (a tip sheet on how to register is available here). Once registered as a member of the Wollongong team for the NSWCCC Swimming Championships they receive online information about the NSWCCC event, be able to order and pay for Diocesan rep gear, pay levies and have parents and Principals approve their participation. All this will be online with no paperwork to be returned.

March 26 - Rugby League Boys 15’s & Opens & Girls 16's Selection Trial


Wednesday 26 March, 2025 (Backup date: 1 April)



8:30am - 16’s Girls registration,  trial information and jersey allocation (2 teams) 

8:45am -  16’s Girls trial briefing and organisation

9:00am - 16’s Girls Warm Up, skill, basic ball work 

9:20am - 10.20am 16’s Girls Trial games commence - 16’s Trial Game 1 - Team 1 v Team 2


9.30am -  15’s Boys registration,  trial information and jersey allocation (4 teams) 

9.45am - 15’s Boys trial briefing and organisation

10.00am - 15’s Boys Warm Up, skill, basic ball work 

10.30am - Opens Boys registration  trial information and jersey allocation (4 teams) 

10.30am - 15’s Trial Game 1 - Team 1 v 2

10.45am - Opens Boys trial briefing and organisation

11.00am - 15’s Trial Game 1 - Team 3 v 4


11.00am - Opens Boys Warm Up, skill, basic ball work 

11.25am - Opens Trial Game 1 - Team 1 v Team 2

11.50am - Opens Trial Game 2 - Team 3 v Team 4

12.15pm - 15’s Trial Game 3  - Team 1 v Team 4

12.40pm - 15’s Trial Game 4 - Team 2 v Team 3

1.05pm -   Opens Trial Game 3 - Team 1 v Team 4

1.30pm -   Opens Trial Game 4 - Team 2 v Team 3

2.00pm -  Team Announcement 


Ziems Park, Corrimal


Trial Convener - Kath Preece (Catholic Education Office, Wollongong)

Coaches and Selectors

15’s Coach – Daniel Iacono (Corpus Christi, Oak Flats) 
Open’s Coach – Michael Byron (Corpus Christi, Oak Flats)

16's Coach - Scott Ashcroft (St Patrick's College, Campbelltown)

Assistant Coaches and Selectors

Kurt Field (Corpus Christi, Oak Flats) 
Matthew Tran (John Therry, Rosemeadow)

Zac Ellul (St John's, Nowra)

Todd Sapinenza (St Benedict’s, Oran Park)




All students/teams will need to make their own way to and from the venue. 

Nominations - OPEN

  • All student nominations are to be entered by Monday 3 March, 2025
  • School sport coordinators are ask to nominate students for the trials using this LINK. All details in the nomination should be completed.
  • School Sport Coordinators will be sent the list to approve students to attend the trial. STUDENTS MUST HAVE SCHOOL PERMISSION BEFORE ATTENDING THIS TRIAL.
  • Players who nominate should be experienced in rugby league, play regularly and have some representative background.
  • The nomination form will require player name, DOB, school, current club, preferred position(s) and background/representative history
  • Nominations close on MONDAY 3 MARCH, 2025


  • 15 years Students must be 14 or 15 years of age as at 31st December in the year of competition.
  • 16 years Students must be 15 or 16 years of age as at 31 December in the year of competition 
  • 18 years Students must be 16,17 or 18 years of age as at 31st December in the year of competition.


More Information 

  • Draft Trial Details - to be confirmed or modified when all nominations have been received.
  • Nominated players will be allocated into teams and play in 2 x 20 minute games (this will be modified at the selectors discretion)  There will be a 5 minute break between playing times
  • Unlimited interchange
  • There will be time out for injury. A central hooter will start and end each game session.
  • Selection carnival management will ensure a thorough warm up is provided. Players should provide their own protective gear and strapping requirements.  Mouth guards are compulsory.
  • NOTE the 15’s games will be played under play safe rules. These rules can be downloaded from the NRL website.

    Selection Process

  • All players will be allocated a numbered football jersey, which is to be worn ALL day.
  • Players will be assessed throughout the trials and if required be moved to different positions
  • Players selected will represent Wollongong at the Southern Country Trial Match vs Western Region to be held at Wagga on Wednesday 7 May, 2025 (travel day Tuesday 6 May). Selected players will receive this information on the day of the selections or if they have registered previously they will be progressed online into the Wollongong teams and receive all details via the Catholic Schools NSW (CSNSW) sports portal.
  • Players, if selected from the Wagga trial, will then represent Southern Country at the
  • Boys NSWCCC Rugby League Championships on 23 & 24 May 2025 at St Mary's Stadium (St Mary's) or Girls NSWCCC Rugby League Championships 19 & 20 May 2025 St John Oval, Lake Macquarie.
  • It is anticipated the levy for this trip will be around $250 which includes return coach transport, accomodation, player registration, breakfast and lunch on the day of the trials
  • If there are any questions relating to these trials please contact Kathryn Preece on email

March 27 - Football (Soccer) Boys 13 Years, 7-9 and 10 Pathway


Thursday 27 March, 2025 (Backup: May 8)


8:15am - Team arrive
8:45am - First game
1:30pm - Last Pool Game
2:30pm - Final, followed by presentations


Kooringa Reserve, Raby and Mount Carmel Catholic College, Varroville
(off Spitfire and Thunderbolt Drive & Mt Carmel College)


Braydon Webb 

Mount Carmel Catholic College


$100 per team - Schools to be invoiced at the end of Term 1


  • All students/teams will need to make their own way to and from the venue. 


  • As per school nomination.


More Information 

  • School sport / soccer uniform with numbered shirts, boots with moulded studs only, shin pads (compulsory). 
  • Each team must also supply a game ball for use during the day.
  • Basic canteen facilities will be available at both venues on the day. Students are still encouraged to bring a healthy lunch to sustain their energy on the day.
  • First Aid Officer will be in attendance. In addition, all teams are required to bring their own First Aid Kits (1 per team as teams will be split between two venues).
  • Each school must supply 1 referee. It is also the responsibility for each team to supply a linesman to officiate their own game. Some external referees may be sourced to assist with refereeing games. This will be determined closer the day. If schools nominate to utilise an external referee this will be added to Term 1 invoice fees
  • There is limited shade at both venues. Teams are advised to bring a small shelter.
  • Schools are to make sure that they clean up the dressing shed after their use.
  • Will be of 20 minutes length with no turnaround at half time.
  • Normal wet weather procedures, SMS and email to sport coordinators, CEO Twitter page update and radio announcements.

Age Category 

To align with the NSWCCC structures a year 7-10 division will be run which ties in with the CCC football knockout progression. It is anticipated that most schools will have year 9-10 players in this team. The top 4 teams (with some room for movement after evaluation of the results) will be invited to participate in the qualifying tournament to be held on Thursday 19 June. The 13 years division does not progress into the knockout phase and is aimed to cater for the younger players.

Once this Diocesan event is completed, schools are allowed to move students up a division to strengthen their teams for the qualifying knockout phase should they qualify for this. If in the qualifying tournament, students are restricted to one division only. They cannot play in the junior and open divisions.

Championship Rules 

  • No verbal abuse (swearing/put downs etc) will be tolerated. Students will be sent off for any verbal abuse. Please refer to the code of conduct which outlines behaviour expectations of players, coaches and spectators.
  • Each match will be refereed in accordance with the laws of the game, as developed by FIFA. Each team will be required to bring a referee to control one half of each game their team plays.
  • All matches will be 20 minutes in duration. There will be a 5 minute period between each round of games. Referees will be sole timers of the games.
  • There is no limit on interchanges throughout the game. Please wait until the ball is dead, and then notify referee. Players are to interchange via the centre
  • Any player sent from the field may not be eligible to play again on the day. This will be determined by the carnival convener and coaches.
  • A two-pool system will run for each age division. The winners of each pool will, in the first place, be decided on a points system:
    • 4 points for each win,
    • 3 points for a scored draw,
    • 2 points for a draw and
    • 1 point for a loss.
  • Forfeit will receive 0 points.
    In the event that at the end of the round robin two (2) or more teams have the same points then the team with the best for and against will be declared the winner. If this is still the same the team that scored the most goals in the +/- results, then proceed to coin toss to determine the winner as a last resort.
  • Late arrival. Any team that is not on the playing field ready to play within 5 minutes of the starting hooter will (on request from opposition) receive a forfeit. In the event of this happening 4 points and one goal will be awarded to the non-offending team.
  • There will be no extra time to decide drawn games during the finals. The winner will be decided by a penalty shoot-out.
  • Please see above link for draw information.

March 27 - Football (Soccer) Girls 13 Years, 7-9 and 10 Pathway


Thursday 27 March, 2025  (Backup: May 8)


8:15am - Team arrive
8:45am - First game
1:30pm - Last Pool Game
2:30pm - Final, followed by presentations


South Nowra Football Grounds, South Nowra 


Craig Holden 
St John's the Evangelist, Nowra


$100 per team - Schools to be invoiced at the end of Term 1


  • All students/teams will need to make their own way to and from the venue. 


  • As per school nomination.


More Information 

  • School sport / soccer uniform with numbered shirts, boots with moulded studs only, shin pads (compulsory). Each team must also supply a game ball for use during the day.
  • Basic canteen facilities will be available at both venues on the day. Students are still encouraged to bring a healthy lunch to sustain their energy on the day.
  • First Aid will be in attendance. In addition, all teams are to bring their own First Aid Kits.
  • Each school must supply 1 referee. It is also the responsibility for each team to supply a linesman to officiate their own game. Some external referees may be sourced to assist with refereeing games. This will be determined closer the day. If schools nominate to utilise an external referee this will be added to Term 1 invoice fees
  • There is limited shade at both venues. Teams are advised to bring a small shelter.
  • Schools are to make sure that they clean up the dressing shed after their use.
  • Will be of 18 minutes length with no turnaround at half time.
  • Normal wet weather procedures, SMS and email to sport coordinators, CEO Twitter page update and radio announcements.

Age Category 

To align with the NSWCCC structures a year 7-9 division will be run which ties in with the CCC football knockout progression. The top 4 teams (with some room for movement after evaluation of the results) will be invited to participate in the qualifying tournament to be held on Friday 20 June. The 13 years division does not progress into the knockout phase and is aimed to cater for the younger players.

Once this Diocesan event is completed, schools are allowed to move students up a division to strengthen their teams for the qualifying knockout phase should they qualify for this. If in the qualifying tournament, students are restricted to one division only. They cannot play in the junior and open divisions.

Championship Rules

  • Each match will be refereed in accordance with the laws of the game, as developed by FIFA. Each team will be required to bring a referee to control one half of each game their teams plays. No verbal abuse (swearing/put downs etc.) will be tolerated. Students will be sent off for any verbal abuse.
  • All matches will be 18 minutes in duration. A siren will sound the end of one game and the start of another. There will be a no time break between games.
  • There is no limit on interchanges throughout the game. Please wait until the ball is dead, and then notify referee. Players are to interchange via the centre
  • Any player sent from the field will not play again on the day.
  • The winners of each pool will, in the first place, be decided on a points system: 4 points for each win, 3 points for a scored draw, 2 points for a draw and 1 point for a loss. Forfeit will receive 0 points.
    In the event that at the end of the round robin 2 or more teams have the same points then the team scoring the most goals will be declared the winner. If this number is the same then the goal difference will be used to discriminate. If this is still the same a count back on games won/loss/draw will be used. If this is equal the winner of the head to head game between the two sides will be declared the winner. If this is still the same the winner will be decided on the toss of a coin.
  • Late arrival. Any team that is not on the playing field ready to play within 5 minutes of the starting hooter will (on request from opposition) receive a forfeit. In the event of this happening 4 points and one goal will be awarded to the no offending team.
  • A two Pool system will run for each age group. Note in pool B for both the 13's & Yrs 7-9 there are 6 teams and the time frame of this tournament does not allow all teams to play each other. At the end of the pool games the placings will need to be worked out on the point system applied above with any decisions at the discretion of the convener.
  • There will be no extra time to decide drawn games during the finals. The winner will be decided by a penalty shoot out (final).
    Please see sport coordinator for copy of draws.

March 31 - Netball Girls 15's & Opens


Monday March 31, 2025 


8.30am – Selectors meeting

15's Selection Trial schedule

Opens Selection Trial Schedule


Illawarra Sports Stadium, Berkeley


Trial Convenor Kath Preece - Catholic Education Office & Tara Pontin (Mount Carmel Catholic College)

Coaches and Selectors

Tara Pontin (Mount Carmel), Donna Fearon (St Mary’s), Madi Cleal (Corpus), Brittany Sharkey (AP) and Kristy Baldwin (St Mary’s)




  • All students/teams will need to make their own way to and from the venue. 


  • All student nominations are to be entered by Friday 7 March, 2025
  • School sport coordinators are ask to nominate students for the trials using this LINK. All details in the nomination should be completed.
  • School Sport Coordinators will be sent the list to approve students to attend the trial.
  • School Sport Coordinators will provide selected students with event information and notify students of accepted nominations
  • Players who nominate should be experienced in Netball, play regularly and have representative background.
  • The nomination form will require player name, DOB, school, current club, preferred position(s) and background/representative history
  • Nominations close on Friday 7 MARCH, 2025


More Information

  • A team of 10 players in each age division will be selected in the Wollongong representative team to go to participate in the NSWCCC Netball Selection Trials to be staged in Penrith 15's NSWCCC Selections 29 May 2025 & 18's NSWCCC Selections 30 May 2025
  • All nominations must be approved by the school sports coordinator and submitted using the nomination form
  • Schools are encouraged to nominate HIGHLY SKILLED PLAYERS - those who display potential to represent at higher levels. It is also recommended that schools send NO more than 2 students per position. Due to the popularity of Netball schools may need to run a school based trial to cull numbers prior to nominations being accepted
  • Students should be playing in a registered association/representative level experience is essential for this trial
  • The Convener has complete control of the trials and may vary any condition.
  • Students must come suitably dressed (School sports uniform or school netball dress preferred). Balls and positional bibs will be provided.
  • If a trialist is unable to attend PLEASE notify the convener ASAP (preferably before the trial date)
  • Information details for the NSWCCC selection trials will be issued to all selected players.

April 8 - Football (Soccer) Boys Open Championships and Squad Selections


Tuesday 8 April, 2025 (Backup: Thursday 1 May, 2025)


8:00am – Teams arrive
8:10am - Team managers briefing
8:45am - First game
3:00pm - Finals finish & presentation to follow


Myimbarr Community Park, Shellharbour


Kath Preece 

Catholic Education Office


$120 per team (Schools to be invoiced at the end of the term)


  • All students/teams will need to make their own way to and from the venue. 


  • Schools nominate teams at the start of the year
  • To be considered for Wollongong Squad Selections - interested students are to complete the following nomination FORM by Friday 4 April 2025. 


More Information 

  • School’s sport/soccer uniform with numbered shirts, Boots with moulded studs only, shin pads (compulsory).
  • Canteen - not available for this event
  • First Aid will be in attendance. In addition, all teams are to bring their own First Aid Kits.
  • External referees are being sourced for this event. It is also the responsibility for each team to supply a lines person to officiate their own game. 
  • Each team needs a game ball for use during the day. Players must also wear numbered shirts.
  • There is limited shade, teams are advised to bring marques etc
  • Schools are to make sure that they clean up the dressing shed after their use.
  • Will be of 28 minutes length with a turnaround at half time 
  • Normal wet weather procedures, SMS to sport coordinators, CEO Instagram page update ( and radio announcements.

Championship Rules

Each match will be refereed in accordance with the laws of the game, as developed by FIFA. Each team will also be required to supply a linesman. In the first instance, each team will be required to bring a referee to control each game their team plays. The referee must centre a full game to avoid bias. **It is hoped official centre referees will be outsourced.

All matches will be 28 minutes in duration. A siren will go to signal a turnaround. There will be no break as such after turnaround the siren will signal the commencement of the second period. The referee will blow full time at the next stoppage in play.

There is no limit on interchanges throughout the game. Please wait until the ball is dead, and then notify referee. Players are to interchange via the centre

Any player sent from the field will not play again on the day.

There will be a 7 minute break between games. Games will start as advertised in the draw.

The winners of each pool will, in the first place, be decided on a points system:

  • 4 points for each win
  • 3 points for a scored draw
  • 2 points for a draw and
  • 1 point for a loss
  • Forfeit will receive 0 points.

In the event that at the end of the round robin 2 or more teams have the same points then the goal difference will be use to discriminate. If this number is the same then the team scoring the most goals will be declared the winner. If this is still the same a count back on games won/loss/draw will be used. If this is equal the winner of the head to head game between the two sides will be declared the winner. If this is still the same the winner will be decided on the toss of a coin.

Late arrival. Any team that is not on the playing field ready to play within 5 minutes of the starting hooter will (on request from opposition) receive a forfeit. In the event of this happening 4 points and three goals will be awarded to the no offending team.

A two pool system will run for each age group. Each team in both pools will play four pool games. There will be cross over semi finals for teams first and second in each pool and playoff games for 3/4 placings, 5/6 placings and 7/8 placings. Please see draw for details

There will be no extra time to decide drawn games during the finals. The winner will be decided by a penalty shoot out.

The top 4 teams (with some room for movement after evaluation of the results) will be invited to participate in the qualifying tournament to be held on 19 June. 

Once this Diocesan event is completed, schools are allowed to move students up a division to strengthen their teams for the qualifying knockout phase should they qualify for this. If in the qualifying tournament, students are restricted to one division only. They cannot play in the junior and open divisions.

Representative Selection/NSWCCC Championships

At the carnival a representative 18's squad will be selected. Students who wish to be considered for this squad should be nominated on selection form by Friday 4 April. Students named in the squad will attend a final selection trial scheduled for Thursday 15 May 2025 at Ian McLennan Park, Kembla Grange.

The NSWCCC Football championships will be played at Valentine Sports Park, Glenwood on Tuesday 27 May & Wednesday 28 May, 2025. It is anticipated the levy for students to attend will be approximately $200 which will include return coach transport, accommodation, dinner and breakfast and include player entry levy.

PLEASE DO NOT REGISTER FOR THE CCC EVENT until you have been selected in the Wollongong team.

Once selected in the team online registration is compulsory for ALL students who are intending to participate in the NSWCCC Football Championships.

April 10 - Rugby League Girls 18's Southern Country Trials - Wollongong/Bathurst/Canberra/Goulburn and Wagga Wagga

This girls combined Rugby League trial is for students from the Wollongong diocese to gain pathway access to NSWCCC Rugby League Selections

Students are required to individually nominate to attend this combined Southern Country trial (please see nomination section for more details)

The selected students from this trial will be a part of the 18's Girls Southern Country team who will play at the NSWCCC Rugby League trials to be held at Lake Macquarie  over two days - 19 & 20 May 2025


Thursday 10 April, 2025


9:00am - Management Arrival

9:30am - Student registration

10:00am - Trial starts

1:45pm - Trial concludes


Raiders Belconnen – Hardwick Crescent, Holt


Sherree Bush - Canberra/Goulburn (Southern Country Girls Convenor)

Kathryn Preece - Wollongong student inquiries




All students/teams will need to make their own way to and from the venue. 


  • All student nominations are to be entered via this LINK by Wednesday 5 March, 2025 (nominations closed)
  • All details in the nomination should be completed.
  • School Sport Coordinators will be sent the list to approve students to attend the trial.
  • Students will be notified by their school sport coordinator if their nomination has been successful

Eligibility - Students must meet all of the following Criteria to attend trials

DOB: Students must be turning 17 or 18 in the calendar year (by 31st December)

Students are required to gave experience in the game of Rugby League, be playing in regular competition. Have not had a head injury/concussion in the past two weeks or have been cleared if head injury as occurred.

Representative background in Rugby League, although not compulsory, is a major consideration for this trial


What to bring

  • Appropriate gear for game conditions eg. boots, socks, headgear etc
  • Mouthguard is compulsory
  • Medication eg Asthma inhaler
  • Strapping tape
  • Jumpers will be provided for the game
  • Water Bottle
  • Lunch 

May 2 - Football (Soccer) Girls Open Championships and Selections


Friday 2 May, 2025 (Backup: Friday 16 May)


8:00am – Teams arrive
8:10am - Team managers briefing
8:45am - First game
3:00pm - Finals finish & presentation to follow


Myimbarr Community Park, Shellharbour


Kath Preece 

Catholic Education Office


$120 per team (Schools to be invoiced at the end of the term)


  • All students/teams will need to make their own way to and from the venue. 


  • Schools nominate teams at the start of the year
  • To be considered for Wollongong Squad Selections - interested students are to complete the following nomination FORM by Friday 4 April 2025. 


More Information 

  • School’s sport/soccer uniform with numbered shirts, Boots with moulded studs only, shin pads (compulsory).
  • Canteen - not available for this event
  • First Aid will be in attendance. In addition, all teams are to bring their own First Aid Kits.
  • External referees have been confirmed for this event. It is also the responsibility for each team to supply a lines person to officiate their own game. 
  • Each team needs a game ball for use during the day. Players must also wear numbered shirts.
  • There is limited shade, teams are advised to bring marques etc
  • Schools are to make sure that they clean up the dressing shed after their use.
  • Will be of 28 minutes length with a turnaround at half time 
  • Normal wet weather procedures, SMS to sport coordinators, CEO Instagram page update ( and radio announcements.

Championship Rules

Each match will be refereed in accordance with the laws of the game, as developed by FIFA. Each team will also be required to supply a linesman. In the first instance, each team will be required to bring a referee to control each game their team plays. The referee must centre a full game to avoid bias. **It is hoped official centre referees will be outsourced.

All matches will be 28 minutes in duration. A siren will go to signal a turnaround. There will be no break as such after turnaround the siren will signal the commencement of the second period. The referee will blow full time at the next stoppage in play.

There is no limit on interchanges throughout the game. Please wait until the ball is dead, and then notify referee. Players are to interchange via the centre

Any player sent from the field will not play again on the day.

There will be a 7 minute break between games. Games will start as advertised in the draw.

The winners of each pool will, in the first place, be decided on a points system:

  • 4 points for each win
  • 3 points for a scored draw
  • 2 points for a draw and
  • 1 point for a loss
  • Forfeit will receive 0 points.

In the event that at the end of the round robin 2 or more teams have the same points then the goal difference will be use to discriminate. If this number is the same then the team scoring the most goals will be declared the winner. If this is still the same a count back on games won/loss/draw will be used. If this is equal the winner of the head to head game between the two sides will be declared the winner. If this is still the same the winner will be decided on the toss of a coin.

Late arrival. Any team that is not on the playing field ready to play within 5 minutes of the starting hooter will (on request from opposition) receive a forfeit. In the event of this happening 4 points and three goals will be awarded to the no offending team.

A two pool system will run for each age group. Each team in both pools will play four pool games. There will be cross over semi finals for teams first and second in each pool and playoff games for 3/4 placings, 5/6 placings and 7/8 placings. Please see draw for details

There will be no extra time to decide drawn games during the finals. The winner will be decided by a penalty shoot out.

The top 4 teams (with some room for movement after evaluation of the results) will be invited to participate in the qualifying tournament to be held on 20 June

Once this Diocesan event is completed, schools are allowed to move students up a division to strengthen their teams for the qualifying knockout phase should they qualify for this. If in the qualifying tournament, students are restricted to one division only. They cannot play in the junior and open divisions.

Representative Selection/NSWCCC Championships

At the carnival a representative 18's squad will be selected. Students who wish to be considered for this squad should be nominated on selection form by Friday 4 April. Students named in the squad will attend a final selection trial scheduled for Thursday 15 May 2025 at Ian McLennan Park, Kembla Grange.

The NSWCCC Football championships will be played at Valentine Sports Park, Glenwood on Tuesday 27 May & Wednesday 28 May, 2025. It is anticipated the levy for students to attend will be approximately $200 which will include return coach transport, accommodation, dinner and breakfast and include player entry levy.

PLEASE DO NOT REGISTER FOR THE CCC EVENT until you have been selected in the Wollongong team.

Once selected in the team online registration is compulsory for ALL students who are intending to participate in the NSWCCC Football Championships.

May 5 - Cross Country


Monday 5 May, 2025 (Backup: 26 May)


8:00am – All schools/athletes assembled 
1:30am - Selection Trials to conclude


Willandra Cross Country Course, Browns Mountain Road, Tapitallee (near Nowra)


Simon Vaughan
St John the Evangelist, Nowra


Schools will be invoiced $14.00 per competitor to cover the costs of the carnival.
(This amount will be invoiced to your school at the end of term 2. There is no need to bring any money to the carnival)


  • All students/teams will need to make their own way to and from the venue. 


  • Schools are to enter teams using this sports site link.
  • When logged in schools are only required to enter the first name and surname next to the students age
  • Age groups are from 12 years to 18+ years.
  • Entries are due the second last day of term 1, Thursday 10 April, 2025 

    Student Nominations

  • Students are NOT required to register for this event. Schools will nominate or enter students to compete at this diocesan event via the TEAM LINK
  • Students who are selected in the Wollongong team to compete at the NSWCCC event will need to register on the CSNSW Sports site (see details below).


Number of Runners

  • Minimum of 4 runners – Maximum of 6. The first 4 runners count in the point score. (Except 17 and 18+ where a minimum of 3 and maximum of 4 is called for). No teachers or adults will be permitted to run the course.


Each school is required to nominate ONE official. (if you can provide two, this would be helpful for the host school, St John’s) Please complete the online form above including your team manger name, official/s name/s and any multi-class athletes by Thursday 10 April, 2025. 
Officials can be parents or volunteers from school. Every non teaching official will be required to be approved by the school. Officials will be placed on course check points.

Recording Tables

All students will be receive a finish token/card at the end of the race. This must be taken to the recording tables at the end of the finish shute. Students will have their place recorded and then should return to the school area. Failure to record a place will result in maximum points being allocated. 


No student is to wear air pods or headphones during their race. (as per NSWCCC rules)


All competitors are to wear shoes. Spiked footwear is not permitted.

Runner Age Numbers

All runners will be required to wear age group numbers which must be pinned to the front of their competitor singlet/shirt. The cards will be distributed at the managers meeting at 9:00am. Please return the cards to the starting tower at the end of racing.


Could you inform your children that in a situation of injury children must contact the nearest course official. Anyone who suffers from asthma should be encouraged to either take their puffer prior to the race or to run with their puffer. All children should be reminded of fluid intake needed the morning of the carnival and in the lead up to their race.


No competitor is to receive assistance or refreshments during the race. In the event that this becomes necessary, that competitor will qualify as "Failing to Finish". Any protest must be made in writing to the carnival manager within fifteen minutes of the event.


Could team managers ensure that all children, parents and supporters keep away from the starting lines , the finishing shute and the recording caravan at all times.


Could the 2024 winners please return the trophies to the carnival:

Overall winners – 
Boy’s winners –  
Girls's winners -

Wollongong Rep Team (top 6 finishers in each age division) & CSNSW Sport Online Registration 

When students are selected in the Wollongong team for the NSWCCC Cross Country Championships they will be required to register (CSNSW Website) for the NSWCCC cross country championships. When registered they will receive online information about the NSWCCC event, be able to order and pay for Diocesan rep gear, pay levies and have parents and Principals approve their participation. All procedures are online. The NSWCCC event will be held at Sydney International Equestrian Centre on Wednesday 11 June 2025 with the top six (6) runners qualifying for the Wollongong team. Details about the NSWCCC cross country can be found at

PLEASE DO NOT REGISTER FOR THE CCC EVENT until you have been selected in the Wollongong team.

May 15 - Football (Soccer) Boys Open Selection Trials


Thursday 15 May, 2025


8:15am - Student arrival
8:30am - Student registration 
9.00am - 18's Boys Trial commences
12:00pm - conclusion of trial and team announcement 


Ian McLennan, Kembla Grange

50 Wyllie Rd, Kembla Grange NSW 2526


Kathryn Preece (Catholic Education Office)


No cost


  • All students will need to make their own way to and from the venue. 


  • All nominated students must be a member of their Open School Football team
  • All nominated students must have competed at the Open Football Championships
  • A squad will be named at the conclusion of the Open Football Championships for students to attend this trial.
  • To be considered for Wollongong Squad Selections - interested students are to complete the following nomination FORM by Friday 4 April 2025. 


More Information 

  • UNIFORM: Students are required to wear their school sports uniform to and from the trial 
  • EQUIPMENT: Students will be provided with a trial jersey for the day. Students are to bring and wear their own football shorts, socks, shin pads and boots. Please ensure students bring their own water bottle and snacks. 
  • FURTHER REPRESENTATION: The selected Wollongong Open Boys Football team will play at the NSWCCC Football Championships in Glenwood, Valentine Park on 27 & 28 May. Students attending this trial need to be available for the provided championship date. 

May 15 - Football (Soccer) Girls Open Selection Trials


Thursday 15 May, 2025


11:15am - Student arrival
11:30am - Student registration 
12.00pm - 18's Boys Trial commences
2:00pm - conclusion of trial and team announcement 


Ian McLennan, Kembla Grange

50 Wyllie Rd, Kembla Grange NSW 2526


Kathryn Preece (Catholic Education Office)


No cost


  • All students will need to make their own way to and from the venue. 


  • All nominated students must be a member of their Open School Football team
  • All nominated students must have competed at the Open Football Championships
  • A squad will be named at the conclusion of the Open Football Championships for students to attend this trial.
  • To be considered for Wollongong Squad Selections - interested students are to complete the following nomination FORM by Friday 4 April 2025. 


More Information 

  • UNIFORM: Students are required to wear their school sports uniform to and from the trial 
  • EQUIPMENT: Students will be provided with a trial jersey for the day. Students are to bring and wear their own football shorts, socks, shin pads and boots. Please ensure students bring their own water bottle and snacks. 
  • FURTHER REPRESENTATION: The selected Wollongong Open Girls Football team will play at the NSWCCC Football Championships in Glenwood, Valentine Park on 27 & 28 May. Students attending this trial need to be available for the provided championship date. 

June 12 - Basketball Boys & Girls Yr 7-8 & Yr 9-10 Qualifying Tournament


Thursday 12 June, 2025




Beaton Park Snakepit,


John Sparks (Catholic Education Office)


$80 per school team entered - these fees will be invoiced at end of Term 2


  • All students/teams will need to make their own way to and from the venue. 


  • Schools to nominate individual school based teams that are at the level required
  • Junior Division
  • Intermediate Division


Event Overview  

The purpose of these play offs is to determine a winner in boys and girls divisions who will enter the main NSWCCC Basketball draw.

Teams must be able to commit to the FULL NSWCCC Junior & Intermediate State tournaments.


  • Games will be played in 2 x 20 minute running clock halves. Half time will be 3 minutes.
  • Each team will be permitted to take one timeout per half and the clock will stop.
  • No zone defence is allowed in the year 7 & 8 divisions.
  • The last 2 minutes of the second half will be fully timed and will stop for all whistles and baskets made.
  • A 24 second shot clock will not be used.
  • 2 minutes fully timed will be played if scores are level at full time. One timeout per team permitted.
  • All games are on a knockout basis ie. The team who loses is eliminated from the competition
  • Scores sheets are to be filled out no later than 5 minutes prior to game tip off
  • Ensure two school reps are on bench duty for each game played
  • Coaches/managers should set a good example for their players reflecting sportsmanship and respect for all players and referees
  • Monitor behavior of players both on and off the court and address any issues
  • Ensure benches are cleaned of any rubbish when the game is completed
  • Ensure any team rubbish in the stands around your team area is placed in the bins provided

June 13 - Netball Championships


Friday 13 June, 2025 (Backup 30 July)


8:15am sharp - 3:30pm


Fred Finch Park, Berkeley (venue updated)  


Brittany Sharkey and Natalie Behl  

(St Joseph’s, Albion Park) 


$70.00 per team (Schools will be invoiced at the end of Term 2)


  • All students/teams will need to make their own way to and from the venue. 


  • Nominations have been received from all schools



  • On the day, Team Managers need to collect their information pack from the duty room prior to Round 1 of games (the envelope will contain score sheets, copy of the rules and draw, map of courts, rubbish bag).
  • Round one games will commence at 8.30 am sharp.
  • If teams are running late, please phone the convenor to inform event staff. If teams are not at the venue on court within 5 minutes of starting time you will forfeit that game. 
  • Each game will consist of two 10 minute halves with 1 minute at half-time (to simply change positions and ends)
  • There will be 2 minutes in between each game.
  • Teams will forfeit if not on the court after 5 minutes of play
  • The rules will be as per the NSW State Netball Association.
  • Points will be awarded as per guidelines in this journal.
  • Any student sent from the court will not be allowed to compete for the remainder of the day.
  • A student may play in one team only – this means they can only play for one age group and only in one division.
  • There will be no finals played. First place will be awarded to the team with the HIGHEST points in each division. In the case of equal first place, the winning team will be determined by points for and against.


To ensure that two umpires are available on every court, each school must: supply one (1) competent umpire per team. Names of umpires need to be emailed to carnival convenor before Wednesday 29 May. Umpires will be allocated to a court to umpire for the day. Every attempt will be made to ensure that the umpiring is fair and consistent. Schools will not be allocated to their own games. Players who are umpiring are not permitted to umpire games in their division, they are permitted to umpire games in the opposite division. The convenors are not responsible for sourcing/organising umpires for schools. Schools need to organise their umpires by contacting relevant Netball association via their umpires Facebook page or by contacting the Umpire Convenor of local Netball clubs.

Player Interchange 

  • Unlimited substitutions are permitted
  • Players may change positions. All changes and substitutions can only be made at half-time or in the case of injury.
  • All changes due to injury must go through the umpires and the opposing captain.  


  • Each team must provide a scorer.
  • The team that appear 1st on the draw is responsible for recording scores on score sheet during the game.
  • All scoring must be completed on the official score sheet located in the team folder (each team needs to collect this from the duty room prior to round 1).A scorer/team member from each team must sit together to assist each other with scoring. All issues with scores must be worked out by the school teams at the end of the game.
  • The score sheet must be signed by each umpire and team manager. Scores agreed before submission
  • It is the responsibility of the WINNING CAPTAIN to return the score sheet to the duty table immediately at the conclusion of the game.


  • Players must take the court in SCHOOL sports uniform.
  • All players must wear positional tags.
  • No jewellery/piercings are permitted. Students will be asked to remove them before taking the court.
  • Players with long fingernails (fake nails included) are not permitted to take the court. 

More Information

• There will be canteen facilities available to the students and staff.
• First Aid kits are to be supplied by schools for their own use
• A qualified F.A.O will be present to attend injuries occurring on the day. They will not “strap” pre-existing injuries. Ice will be provided and available from the duty table.
• There is very little shelter. Schools may like to bring their own shelter/shade.
• All car parking must be adhered to.
• Grounds to be left tidy and rubbish placed in provided bins (extra garbage bags will be handed out to each team)
• Only current students enrolled at the school, are permitted to take the court as a player.

June 19 - Football (Soccer) Girls Years 7-9 & Open Knockout


Thursday 19 June, 2025




Ian McLennan, Kembla Grange




$100 per team - Schools to be invoiced at the end of Term 1


  • All students/teams will need to make their own way to and from the venue. 


  • As per school nomination.


More Information 

  • TBA

June 20 - Football (Soccer) Boys Years 7-9 & Open Knockout


Friday 20 June, 2025




Ian McLennan, Kembla Grange




$100 per team - Schools to be invoiced at the end of Term 1


  • All students/teams will need to make their own way to and from the venue. 


  • As per school nomination.


More Information 

  • TBA

June 23 - Hockey Open Boys & Girls Championships


Monday 23 June, 2025 (Backup: Wednesday 25 June)


8:00am - 3:00pm


Narellan Hockey Fields, Narellan
(Narellan Fields Lot 1 Millwood Avenue, Narellan)


Tamara Mora
St Benedict's, Oran Park


$100.00 per team (Schools will be invoiced at the end of Term 2)


  • All students/teams will need to make their own way to and from the venue. 


  • As per school nomination.


  • Open Hockey Championships Information, Draw and Umpire Duty Roster
  • Field Map
  • Code of Conduct

Carnival Expectations 

Managers are asked to meet with the Convener upon arrival

Schools are reminded to observe any guidelines set down by the MacArthur Hockey Complex - and to keep the venue tidy.

  • UMPIRES: See Umpire Roster (One team & MSW Hockey Umpire)
  • EQUIPMENT: Each team shall provide one hockey ball per match. All field players must wear shin pads, a mouthguard, no football/soccer boots. Teams must have a fully protected goalkeeper in order to take the field.
  • RULES OF THE GAME shall be those rules recognised by the Australian Hockey Association, except where they may be in conflict with carnival rules and conditions.
  • DURATION OF MATCHES: All matches will start and finish on the scoreboard timer and will be 20 minutes in total with 2 min change over between games. Teams must be ready to take the field at the completion of the previous game. Suggest teams only to bring drinks into dugouts.
    If game completed short corners will not be played out due to quick change over.
  • ROUND MATCHES: Points will be awarded as follows:
  • WIN- 3 points             DRAW–2 points           LOSS – 1 point             FORFEIT - 0
  • The competition has been divided into two pools. After the completion of the round matches, crossover games will be played between first and second in each pool, 3rd in each pool will play (position 5 & 6), 4th in each pool will play (position 7 & 8) and 5th in each pool will play (position 9 & 10).
  • A minor final and playoff for 3rd and 4th will not be played and result based on points from rounds.
    • Should there be two teams on equal points, then positions will be decided on:
    • The team having the higher goal difference should progress
    • Should teams be still equal, the team having scored the most goals shall progress.
    • Should teams still be equal, winner of round game shall progress.
  • Tomahawks are not allowed.

Game Cards  

The winning team coach or nominated player is responsible for reporting or taking the game result card back to carnival control.

Team Numbers 

Each team shall comprise of a maximum of 16 players. All team members must attend the school that they are representing.


Teams are to supply their own umpires. Umpiring commitments are outlined on the draw. If possible there will be a pool of experienced umpires available to assist on the day. Schools should consult the convener if they have problems fulfilling their commitments.


Any player suspended for other than a temporary period shall report to the carnival convenor immediately following the match. Their team coach or manager shall accompany the said player.


All players are to wear appropriate school sports uniforms. Teachers and managers should also wear identifiable school polos or jackets. Each team must bring an alternative set of coloured bibs.


  • If any final is a draw the highest ranked team will progress.
  • At the conclusion of the Grand final, should the teams be equal they will be declared Joint Winners.

June 25 - Volleyball Open Boys & Girls Championships


Wednesday 25 June, 2025


8:00am - Schools to be present for championship briefing 

8:45am - Games & duty start

3:20pm - Day concludes 


Illawarra Hockey Stadium
Waples Road
Unanderra NSW 2526


Madi Cleal

Corpus Christi Catholic High School, Oak Flats


$100.00 per team (Schools will be invoiced at the end of Term 2)


  • All students/teams will need to make their own way to and from the venue. 


  • As per school nomination.


Carnival Expectations 

Pool Games

  • 25 mins duration (without a warm up).
  • Only the grand finals will be played as best of 3 (15 rally points) or 1 hour duration - whichever comes first.
  • Rally points scoring system. Where a player touches the net, their team will lose the point.


  • Rally points scoring system.
  • Each game will consist of 2 x 12.5 minute halves. Teams will swap halves at 12.5 minutes (designated by the central timer).
  • There will be no “sets”. Scoring will continue throughout the match. The team with the highest accumulated total at the end of the 25 minutes will be the winner.
  • Where the ball is in play when the half time or full-time siren sounds, that point needs to be played to completion and does count towards the final score.
  • Where scores are level at the end of 25 minutes, the match will be declared a draw in all pool matches. In the case of a draw at the end of allocated time in finals and playoffs, teams will play 1 additional point. The next point will decide the winner


  • Teams will be split into 2 pools based on last tournaments results.
    Play-off rounds following pool games will be played as follows:
  1.  1st in Pool A V Pool 2nd in B, (25 minute game)
  2. 1st in Pool B V 2nd Pool in A. (25 minute game)
  3. 3rd/4th Playoff - Loser (1) plays Loser (2) (25 minute game)
  4. 1st/2nd Playoff  for Championship - Winner of game (1) and (2) (Best of 3 sets - 15 rally points or 1 hour duration - which ever comes first)

    Boys will have play-offs for 5th & 6th and 7th & 8th as per draw.
    Girl’s positions 9&10 will be determined by placings in pools. No cross over games are played for teams outside the top 2 in each pool. Therefore, teams finishing 3rd in pools will be awarded equal 5th or 6th, teams finishing 4th in pools being awarded equal 7th or 8th overall and teams finishing 5th in pools being awarded 9th or 10th determined by points for and against during all pool games. overall.

Only the Grand Finals will be played as best of 3 (15 rally points) or 1 hour duration.

Duty teams must remain at the venue for the finals.

Duties - Every team must provide:

  • A confident umpire to control the game (makes all calls including those associated with the sidelines/foot over the line, net, double hits, lifts or carries etc)
  • A scorer
  • A net umpire (calls net touches when the ball is in play at the net and centre line infringements)
  • 2 end lines people (opposite corners to call if the ball is in or out, if the server steps onto the line on a serve, or if the ball is touched out or contacts the antenna.)

Score Sheets

To be invoiced to your Sport Coordinator at the end of each term. There is no need to bring money to the carnival

All players uniforms should be identical and appropriate.

Each team should have their own Volleyball (labelled with school name) and a whistle for each umpire.

First Aid will be available however, schools should provide their own strapping.

Point score
Win = 3 pts Draw = 2 pts Loss = 1 pt Forfeit = 0 pts

Any team disputing the umpire’s decisions or using foul language will automatically lose that game for their team.


  • Please ensure your players know the rules and can implement them as part of their duty
  • Most International Rules apply to all games. A Few changes will apply due to time and the promotion of Volleyball.
  • Due to time being an issue the following scoring system will apply:
  • 25 mins duration (without a warm up). The team that has accumulated the most points in the 25min match will be determined the winner of the match. Total points for each team at the end of the match will be recorded and contributed to FOR/AGAINST points for each team. For and against points will be used to determined final placings should teams be on equal points at the end of pool matched.
  • Only the Grand Final will be played as a full game/1 hour (whatever comes first), best of 3, 15 rally point sets

Most International Rules apply to all games. A Few changes will apply due to time and the promotion of Volleyball.

A Few basic rules

  • A toss up determines service or court end
  • Rally points system. All points scored will be used to determine placings.
  • Once the ball is served, players may move to position on their court but must return to their correct starting position for each new service
  • All shots should be clear digs, sets and spikes
  • A ball my be hit by the head or foot at any time EXCEPT on receiving a serve


  • The ball may be served from anywhere along the back line.
    ( The foot must not touch the line = foot fault ……. Loss of serve)
  • The server cannot cross the back line till after the service is clearly made.
  • A serve made before the referees whistle is cancelled and replayed. A server must wait for the referee’s whistle
  • If a serve touches the net and continues into the opposing team’s court, play continues within the 3 hit rule.
  • The ball is “IN” if it lands on the line
  • The ball is “OUT” if it lands outside the court, touches a non-player off the court, touches or passes outside the antennae on either side of the net.
  • Service for each new set (game) alternates from 1 team to the other

Normal Play

  • When a team hits the ball out, the opposing team then gains the serve
  • If the ball remains in play, the side receiving the ball regains their 3 new hits
  • If an attacking team plays their shot on their side of the net and the receiving team then blocks above the net, the receiving team gains possession and has 3 shots to play


  • A ball may touch the net during service, play continues within the 3 hit rule.
  • A ball may hit the net during a rally and play continues within the 3 hit rule


  • A blocker may touch the ball beyond the net providing they do not interfere with the attackers shot (before and during the shot)
  • An attacking players hand may pass over the net ‘providing’ they have instigated the contact of the shot on their own side of the court first
  • A player may not touch the top band of the net during play.

FAULTS (Centre line)

  • When a player’s foot completely crosses the centreline this becomes a fault and the opposing team gains possession.
  • A players foot on the line IS ACCEPTABLE and play continues.


  • Can only be made when the ball is dead or out of play
  • 1 time out/set and 6 substitutions/set are permitted with more than 1 sub occurring at a time
  • Substitutions for an injured player are accepted
  • A player from the starting line up (6) may leave the game and re-enter but only “once” during the set


Screening during service by the serving team is not permitted under any circumstance


  • Back row players may only hit the ball from the front zone if the ball is below the level of the net. Back line players CANNOT SPIKE at the net unless they have taken off behind the 3m “attack line”.


  • Only front row players may block
  • A block is not counted as a hit
  • Players cannot block or reach over the net to the attacking team until the attacker has executed their shot
  • Any player may hit the ball after a bloc
  • Blocking a serve is not permitted• A block is considered a defensive shot
  • If the ball is forced out due to a block, the attacking team gains possession.

August 1 - Tennis Boys & Girls Teams Qualifying Event

Year 7 students are allowed to play but must be approved by the school in terms of Cricket experience, game readiness, and physical suitability.


Friday 1 August, 2025 (Backup: Thursday 14 August 2025)


8:30am - 3:00pm


Tennis Macarthur, Leumeah

Address:16 Old Leumeah Road, Leumeah NSW 2560


Jodie Andruschko

Magdalene Catholic College


$100 per team 
Schools to be invoiced at the end of Term 1


All students/teams will need to make their own way to and from the venue. 


As per school nomination.


More Information

The winning boys and girls team from this event will qualify for the NSWCCC teams championships to be staged in

  • A team consists of four players for each boys and girls with the competitions being conducted as  separate events. Players must be in years 7-11. Due to a change in NSWCCC and higher-level teams  events, NO year 12 students are eligible to play.
  • Please ensure that each boys and girls team has sufficient new balls for match play during the day.  At least 2 cans (8 balls) may be required for each team, two balls per team per match.
  • All players should wear a school polo or an appropriate top that clearly identifies their school.  Team coaches / managers from each school are also required to wear a school polo or school jacket  so they are easy to identify. 
  • Players will be numbered/ranked 1 to 4 – with 1 being the strongest player and 4 being the  weakest. This must be correctly entered on the team entry sheet (to the convener) and the same order on the match day on the day of competition.
  • The player ranking/order CANNOT BE CHANGED throughout the course of the event 
  • If a player is injured mid match and cannot play on, no replacement can be made and the match  will be forfeited. If a player is injured, they cannot play for the remainder of the day. A replacement  player can be used in this case and is to continue to play for the remainder of the day. If the injured player was the number 1 ranked player, then the team reshuffle would be - No. 2 ranked player goes  to 1, No. 3 ranked player goes to 2, No. 4 ranked player goes to 3 and the replacement player goes in  as the 4th ranked player. 
  • A replacement player can only be used for an injury. They CANNOT be substituted into a  match to rest any of the 4 seeded players.
  • In the doubles, the number 1 player from each team must play each other. The other player in the pairing is up to the team manager. The doubles pairing can change each match, however, the number 1 player from each team must play each other.
  • The match will consist of 6 sets (2 doubles, 4 singles) in the main draw and 2 sets (2 doubles) in the consolation draw. If the consolation is a set all, the games will decide the winning school. If games are equal, the number one doubles team will play a 7-point tiebreaker to determine the winning school.
  • A set is first to 6, with a 7-point tiebreaker at 5-5. Normal deuce rules are played.
  • A toss for serve is to be conducted at the start of each set.
  • The winner of a match  will be decided on sets won. 
  • If the sets are even, the team with the most games will be declared the winner. 
  • If sets and games are equal then a tiebreaker will be played for each singles match (1 v 1 etc.)  using a tiebreaker only. The team winning the most tiebreakers will be the winner.
  •  If tie breakers are equal then the team which won the number 1 singles full match will be declared the winner.
  • For the first match only, all sets are to be played in the match. For following round matches, if there is a result, the match will not be played in its entirety due to time constraints on the day.
  • Multiple courts may be used to speed up play. 
  • No changes to teams are allowed through the main round of the tournament. Except in the case  of injury (6) 
  • The consolation round matches will consist of two sets of doubles 1,2 v 1,2 and 3,4 v 3,4. Changes to the team are allowed in the consolation rounds.
  • Aim: To select a boys team and girls team to represent the Wollongong Diocese at the NSWCCC Championships to be staged in Bathurst on Monday 3rd June, 2024.
  • The winning boys and girls school will need to register their team members and manager details on the CSNSW Sport website: 

Pre-Exisiting Injury Information
Carers and/or students are required to notify their school and team coach or manager/s should the athlete be carrying a pre-existing injury leading into an event including concussion. A student who has sustained a concussion injury may not return to contact/collision activities until the resolution of all symptoms and a medical clearance. For further information refer to Sports Medicine Australia Concussion at link


  • Role model appropriate behaviour to all players, coaches and referees
  • Demonstrate a positive attitude
  • Wear professional attire eg. school/college polo or track suit top
  • Know your players existing medical conditions eg. asthma
  • Be aware of recent injuries or concussion
  • Warm up your team prior to games
  • Praise respectful, skilled and fair play
  • Monitor player behaviour, in and away from games, and address any issues
  • Respect and support referees and opposition
  • Encourage fair game time for all team players
  • Follow up and report any safety concerns Bathurst on Monday 3 June - Tuesday 4 June, 2024.

August 22 - Athletics


Friday 22 August, 2025

Backup Date TBC


8:00am - Arrive/Warm up,
8:15am - Managers/Officials meeting
8:30am - First events
3:30pm (approx.) - Carnival Concludes


Campbelltown Sports Stadium


Host School: Jamie Cook 

(John Therry Catholic College, Rosemeadow) 


$14.00 per student.
School will be invoiced at the end of Term 3


All students/teams will need to make their own way to and from the venue. 


  • Team nominations are ALL due by Friday 28 June, 2024 to John Sparks at the Wollongong Catholic Education Office


More Information 

  • All events will be conducted under I.A.A.F. rules with the following amendments;
  • Age is at December 31. Students who turn 17, 18 or 19 years shall be eligible to compete in the 17+ division.
  • No competitors shall enter in corresponding events in more than one age division.
  • The carnival will be conducted in six age divisions 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17+ for boys and girls except in triple jump where there will be junior (12,13, 14 & 15 years) and an open (16+ years) divisions. Relays will be conducted in the following age divisions - 12/13 yrs, 14/15 yrs, 16/17+ yrs. *Please note that winning relay teams WILL NOT progress through as there are no relay events at the NSWCCC Championships.
  • The walk and hurdles are not held at the Diocesan carnival. Please note that walk competitors will be grouped in 12/13/14’s and 15/16/17’s divisions for the NSWCCC Athletics. To nominate for the NSWCCC Championships in the hurdles and walk events please complete this online link. Nominations close on Friday 2nd August, 2024. When all hurdle and walk nominations have been received times will be evaluated and students will be notified. 1 hurdler per age and 2 walkers per division will be selected as part of the Wollongong team.
  • Each school can enter the following number of competitors per age group:

    1500m - 2
    200m - 2
    800m - 2
    100m - 3
    400m - 1
    4 x 100m - 1 (Divisions - 12/13 yrs, 14/15 yrs, 16/17+ yrs)
    Shot - 1
    Discus - 1
    Javelin - 1
    High Jump - 1
    Long Jump - 1
  • Triple Jump - 1 athlete in the junior (12,13, 14 & 15 years) and one athlete in the senior(16+ years)
    Multi Class Events will be staged in the 100m, 200m, and long jump and shot put  - 2 (additional athletes are to be negotiated with Kathryn Preece)
  • Check here for Field Event Weights, Heigh Jump Start Heights, Hurdle details
  • Competitors in the discus, shot, and javelin events will only be allowed three throws in rotation.
  • Competitors in the long jump and triple jump will only be allowed three jumps in rotation.
    Competitors in the high jump shall have three attempts in rotation, that is, there may be three rounds at each height.
    Three successive failures shall exclude a competitor from further participation in the event.
    In the event of a tie, the best record on a count back as used in the I.A.A.F. rules, shall decide placing.
  • Track events take precedence over Field events. Competitors leaving a Field event must report to the field
    official before leaving and return within 30 minutes or forfeit their attempt in any completed round.
    Protests. The referee shall be the sole arbiter in points of law.
    The referee and manager will deal with protests. All protests should come through school team managers.
    No protest shall be considered unless lodged in writing to the manager or referee within 15 minutes of the conclusion of the event.
    Coaching. Once competitors are in the hands of the officials controlling the event, they shall not receive any coaching or advice.
    In all races up to and including the 400 metres, competitors can use a crouch start.
    Campbelltown Athletic Track supplies blocks.
  • All grounds are to be left in a clean condition. Please use the bins provided. A fee may be incurred if the track and grounds are left in an untidy state.


All Co-Educational schools will be required to supply 2 officials. Single sex schools will need to provide 1 official. Any school able to provide more should list these on the form provided. Officials can be parents, preferably with some knowledge of athletics. Please note all officials need to sign the Prohibited Employment Declaration prior to the championships.

The Conveners school will provide student assistance in terms of runners and some officials.
Schools allocated a field event for supervision are asked to supply students from their own school
to assist at that event. The attached official form should be returned to Kathryn Preece by Friday 28 June, 2024.
All track events are timed finals. Schools have been asked to enter their fastest runner in heat 1, their next fastest in heat 2 etc. A list of place getters will be published after all heats for that particular age and event has been run.
Amenities. The Athletics Centre is serviced by male and female toilets.
A full canteen will operate on the day. Shelter at the centre is via a grandstand seating approximately 850 students.
Grass areas around the venue allow for the set up of tents or shelter for your team.
Please ensure that students bring sufficient warm and wet weather gear.
Schools should also consider sun protection guidelines for team members

Morning tea & lunch will be supplied to all officials.

Spiked Footwear & Starting Block

It is essential that all users of the athletics track adhere to the recommended spike length in respect to footwear. The maximum spike length is 7mm. Individual starting blocks will not be able to be used. The centre will provide starting blocks.

Track Usage. No students are allowed on the track unless they are competing in an event.Vehicles.

All vehicles must be parked outside the athletics Centre in the car parking areas provided. Vehicles can be driven into the athletics track, via the access road, for the purpose of setting up and packing away.


  • Ribbons will be awarded for first, second and third placing in each event, not track heats.
  • Age champion trophies will be awarded in each age group to the student accumulating the most points from individual events. Results will be posted on the side the grandstand closest to the recording area.
  • Team managers will need to collect ribbons for all timed finals and information letters
    for the NSWCCC Athletics Championships. Field competitors will receive ribbons and letters at the completion of their event
  • Could Trophy Winners for 2023 please return these on the day
    Girls Winners – St Mary's College
    Boys Winners - Edmund Rice College
    Overall Winners – Holy Spirit College

Entering your Team

All schools are expected to submit their entries using the two filemaker pro files, Names and Names2. These can be exported from your school carnival if using the sports carnival manager program or down loaded from the CEO sports sites page homepage. The Names and Names2 files should be emailed to by Friday 28 June 2024 to John Sparks

Multi-class students should be entered into their events within your team. Please note that students looking to represent the Diocese at at CCC in multi-class events MUST be officially classified.

Schools should also provide the name of their officials by Friday 28 June, 2024 to John Sparks

Team Changes
Any team changes can be made using the online form above. Online changes will be accepted up until Friday 1 March. After this time changes are to be made on the day at the marshalling area.

Entries are due by Monday 26 February 2024.

Point Allocations 

The points allocation for placings is as follows:
Individual events: 1st 20, 2nd 16, 3rd 12, 4th 10, 5th 8, 6th 6, 7th 4, 8th 2, 9th 1, 10th 1
Relays: double points.
Individual results only will be calculated to work out age champions.

Could Trophy Winners for 2023 please return these on the day
Girls Winners – St Mary's College
Boys Winners – Edmund Rice College
Overall Winners – Holy Spirit College

Pre-Exisiting Injury Information
Carers and/or students are required to notify their school and team coach or manager/s should the athlete be carrying a pre-existing injury leading into an event including concussion. A student who has sustained a concussion injury may not return to contact/collision activities until the resolution of all symptoms and a medical clearance. For further information refer to Sports Medicine Australia Concussion at link

NSWCCC Athletics 

Students will only be required to register once they have been selected in the Wollongong team to go to the NSW Combined Catholic College Championships at Homebush on Monday 16th September, 2024. Students will receive an information letter and instructions on how to register once their selection in the Wollongong team is confirmed. 

The NSWCCC Championships will be held on Monday 16 September, 2024 at Homebush.
Students who finish first in field events and the 400m will qualify for the Wollongong team.
Students who finish first and second in the 100m, 200m, 800m, 1500m will also qualify for the Wollongong team.

Students are able to nominate for the hurdles and walk events by completing this online link.
Successful athletes in these events will be advised by your school Sport Coordinator.

School based relay teams winning the 17+/16, 15/14 and 13/12 will be held at the Diocesan event BUT the winning team WILL NOT progress through. No relay events will be held at CCC in 2024.
Field event and Hurdle event Specifications are outlined on the NSWCCC Website.

Please DO NOT register prior to this Diocesan athletics carnival. Students will only be required to register once they have been selected in the Wollongong team to go to the NSW Combined Catholic College Championships at Homebush on Monday 16 September, 2024. Students will receive an information letter and instructions on how to register once their selection in the Wollongong team is confirmed.

Online registration will allow both parent and Principal approval, all CCC carnival information, allow for payment of the carnival levy and ordering and payment for any Diocesan gear (singlet, polo and hoodie). A Diocesan singlet will be compulsory, all other rep gear is optional.
Sports Coordinators will be issued a full list of representatives from their school. It is imperative that students register online by the due date.
If a student withdraws from the team or is not available – they should advise their Sport Coordinator immediately so a replacement can be found.

September 17 - Cricket Boys Years 7-9 Championships

Year 7 students are allowed to play but must be approved by the school in terms of Cricket experience, game readiness, and physical suitability.


Wednesday 17 September, 2025 (Backup 24 September)


  • 8:00am - Schools arrive, set up home base, secure tents, allocated team uniforms etc.
  • 8:10am - No formal team managers meeting at the start of the day, will just talk to each team manager as they arrive (please share key information with team managers).
  • 8:30am - First games start
  • 3:30pm - Last games finish, carnival concludes, presentations.

Times for the day are estimates only, usually games finish a bit earlier than scheduled, hoping to finish before 3:30pm).


Thomas Dalton Park, Fairy Meadow


Brett Moran
St Joseph's, Albion Park


$80 per team (payable via invoice from CEO in Term 4)


All students/teams will need to make their own way to and from the venue. 


As per school nomination.


More Information

Super 8's Competition Format

Game Score Sheet

Information and Rules

Rule change: batters retire at 25 (happy to push this to 30 if that's the consensus), teams are to rotate the batting order between games

  • Each team is to provide a scorer & umpire for each game. Students can score but not umpire.
  • Direct changeover of innings and move quickly to the next game. Move to the ground before the start time.
  • 10 step run-up maximum. Next batter is to stand at square leg.
  • Wicket keepers MUST wear a helmet.
  • Once a result is determined the game immediately ends. Move on to the next game!
  • After each game please send a runner to the convenor with the score sheet.
  • Note that each game will impact the final standings. i.e. runs scored, wickets lost.
  • Max. of 10 players nominated per team.
  • 7 overs per innings.
  • A USED two-piece leather ball is to be supplied by each team.
  • Games may need to be adjusted to remain on time for the day if we are running behind; all teams that qualify for the finals are to stay to compete in them;
  • No team is to have a red or maroon shirt - it is too hard to pick the ball up without a sight screen and therefore a major safety issue. (ERC and Corpus please note – students can play in a white cricket shirt.)
  • All teams are to bring their own shade tent and ensure that each batsman and the keeper wears a helmet and appropriate protection gear at all times.

September 18 - Cricket Girls Years 7-9 Championships

Year 7 students are allowed to play but must be approved by the school in terms of Cricket experience, game readiness, and physical suitability.


Thursday 18 September, 2025 (Backup 25 September)


  • 8:00am - Schools arrive, set up home base, secure tents, allocated team uniforms etc.
  • 8:10am - No formal team managers meeting at the start of the day, will just talk to each team manager as they arrive (please share key information with team managers).
  • 8:30am - First games start
  • 3:30pm - Last games finish, carnival concludes, presentations.

Times for the day are estimates only, usually games finish a bit earlier than scheduled, hoping to finish before 3:30pm).


Thomas Dalton Park, Fairy Meadow


Brett Moran
St Joseph's, Albion Park


$80 per team (payable via invoice from CEO in Term 4)


All students/teams will need to make their own way to and from the venue. 


As per school nomination.


More Information

Super 8's Competition Format

Game Score Sheet

Information and Rules

Rule change: batters retire at 25 (happy to push this to 30 if that's the consensus), teams are to rotate the batting order between games

  • Each team is to provide a scorer & umpire for each game. Students can score but not umpire.
  • Direct changeover of innings and move quickly to the next game. Move to the ground before the start time.
  • 10 step run-up maximum. Next batter is to stand at square leg.
  • Wicket keepers MUST wear a helmet.
  • Once a result is determined the game immediately ends. Move on to the next game!
  • After each game please send a runner to the convenor with the score sheet.
  • Note that each game will impact the final standings. i.e. runs scored, wickets lost.
  • Max. of 10 players nominated per team.
  • 7 overs per innings.
  • A USED two-piece leather ball is to be supplied by each team.
  • Games may need to be adjusted to remain on time for the day if we are running behind; all teams that qualify for the finals are to stay to compete in them;
  • No team is to have a red or maroon shirt - it is too hard to pick the ball up without a sight screen and therefore a major safety issue. (ERC and Corpus please note – students can play in a white cricket shirt.)
  • All teams are to bring their own shade tent and ensure that each batsman and the keeper wears a helmet and appropriate protection gear at all times.

October 17 - AFL 14 Year Boys Championships

Boys 14 years. Students cannot turn 15 this year.

Year 7's are allowed to play but must be approved by the school in terms of AFL experience, game readiness and physical suitability.


Friday 17 October, 2025 (Backup 27 October)


8:30am - For a 9:00am start

3:00pm - Event concludes ((includes a short presentation)




Ben Bourke
Edmund Rice College, Wollongong


$80 per team (payable via invoice from CEO in Term 4)


All students/teams will need to make their own way to and from the venue. 


As per school nomination.


More Information

Playing Equipment: 

  • All players are to wear full school team AFL uniform. NO JEWELLERY is to be worn. Mouth guards are compulsory for all players. It is the responsibility of the team coach/manager to check and ensure all players have mouth-guards before they take take the field. The blood bin rule will apply and therefore any child who is bleeding will need to leave the field to be treated. Schools are advised to have their own band-aids/first aid on hand in case of minor injuries. The first aid officer should be used if the injury is of a more serious nature.

Game length:

  • 2 x 9min halves with 2min turn around


  • 2 pools of 4 teams (3 games for each team) then 1 x semifinals (cross over round eg A1 v B2, A2 v B1 etc) and then 1 x Finals (1v2, 3v4, 5v6, 7v8). See draw above.


  • It will be a 'contact event' therefore it is recommended AFL jerseys with Numbers

Player numbers:

  • 12 players on field (unlimited interchange)


  • There will be a very basic canteen with water, soft drink and some chips available, but players are expected to bring their own lunch for throughout the day.


  • It will be a 'contact event' therefore it is recommended AFL jerseys with Numbers
  • Player numbers
    12 players on field (unlimited interchange)

October 17 - Girls AFL Years 7-9 Championships


Friday 17 October, 2025 (Backup 27 October)


8:30am - For a 9:00am start

3:00pm - Event concludes ((includes a short presentation)





$80 per team (payable via invoice from CEO in Term 4)


All students/teams will need to make their own way to and from the venue. 


As per school nomination.


More Information

Playing Equipment: 

  • All players are to wear full school team AFL uniform. NO JEWELLERY is to be worn. Mouth guards are compulsory for all players. It is the responsibility of the team coach/manager to check and ensure all players have mouth-guards before they take take the field. The blood bin rule will apply and therefore any child who is bleeding will need to leave the field to be treated. Schools are advised to have their own band-aids/first aid on hand in case of minor injuries. The first aid officer should be used if the injury is of a more serious nature.

Game length:

  • 2 x 9min halves with 2min turn around


  • 2 pools of 4 teams (3 games for each team) then 1 x semifinals (cross over round eg A1 v B2, A2 v B1 etc) and then 1 x Finals (1v2, 3v4, 5v6, 7v8). See draw above.


  • It will be a 'contact event' therefore it is recommended AFL jerseys with Numbers

Player numbers:

  • 12 players on field (unlimited interchange)


  • There will be a very basic canteen with water, soft drink and some chips available, but players are expected to bring their own lunch for throughout the day.


  • It will be a 'contact event' therefore it is recommended AFL jerseys with Numbers
  • Player numbers
    12 players on field (unlimited interchange)

October 20 - Basketball Boys Championships

Juniors - Years 7, 8 and 9
Seniors - Years 10 and 11 (Year 12's are NOT eligible)


Monday 20 October, 2025


7:30am - Teams arrive
7:40am - Managers meeting
8:00am - First pool game
2:30pm - Grand Final (followed by presentations)
Concludes 3:00pm - 3.15pm


Campbelltown Basketball Stadium (Access Via Redfern Road)


Andrew Cook

(John Therry, Rosemeadow)


$120 per team payable to CEO when invoiced at the end of the term


All students/teams will need to make their own way to and from the venue. 


As per school nomination.



  • All current Australian Rules FIBA will apply, except as specifically varied below and at the convener’s discretion. Current FIBA scoresheets will be used in all games.
  • Junior divisions are for year 7-9 students, Senior divisions are for year 10-11 students. No student can play in both divisions.
  • All teams must be correctly attired in their school playing uniforms. Players out of uniform will not be able to take the court. (within reason)
  • To be eligible to participate in the finals, players must have played at least two matches prior to qualify.
  • Players disqualified by referees from a game, shall not play in the following game for that team. Individual schools or the convener may lengthen this suspension.
  • Table officials will be provided by host school (TBC)
  • External referees are currently being sourced and it is our hope that all games will be covered. If schools do have a referee attending, please advise the convener. At the completion of the game, the referee must complete score sheet and return to the court control area.
  • Each players surname and initial should be written on the score sheet at least 10 minutes prior to the start of each game. The coaches’ name should appear in the space provided. Team sheets should be filled out in the control area and not taken from this area. The referee will take the completed team sheet to the allocated court.
  • Any team not ready to commence play when called upon, shall forfeit two points for every minute late, until 5 minutes has elapsed, at which time the game shall be declared a forfeit.
  • First aid treatment will be available, although schools are encouraged to provide their own first aid kits for treatment of minor injuries. Players must provide their own strapping.
  • Canteen facilities will be available at the venue.  Students are still encouraged to bring a healthy lunch to sustain their energy on the day.
  • Referees will be paid on the day of the carnival. If schools are providing their own referees you will need to decide if you will be paying them and organise any payment from your end. If schools are using a referee from tournament organisers a cost of $15/$20 per game will be applicable. These costs will be invoiced to you with normal term 4 invoices.

Bench Instructions 

  • Games must start and finish on time
  • Junior Boys and Senior Boys will be split into 2 Pools based on 2023 results and school location.
  • All teams to play 4 pool matches then top two (2) will proceed to cross-over semi-finals. Whilst bottom 2 will play off for minor placings. Fifth have a bye
  • Games will be 2 x 12-minute running clock in a 30minute time slot.
  • One time out per team per game. (Clock does not stop, Time outs cannot be called in last 3 minutes of the game)
  • Final results shall be made on points accumulated throughout the day
  • BONUS SHOTS. Will be awarded after 5th foul in each half of games in round games and after the 5th foul in each half of the game in finals
  • 3 points for a win, 2 points for a draw, 1 point for a loss, and 0 points for a forfeit
    • If two teams are on equal points, the team with the highest overall for/against will be used to determine placing.
    • If the teams are equal on points and for/against, the results of the games between the teams tied will be used to determine the placing.
    • For drawn semi-finals and finals 2 minutes extra time will be played. These 2 minutes will be fully timed with the clock to stop on all side balls.

October 20 - Basketball Girls Championships


Monday 20 October, 2025


Junior teams involved in round 1 will need to be there at 8:00am as the first game starts at 8:30am

Senior round 1 games start at 9.00am

Carnival concludes at 3:00pm.


Beaton Park Snakepit,


Belinda Sparks 
St Mary Star of the Sea College, Wollongong




  • All students/teams will need to make their own way to and from the venue. 


  • All student nominations are to be entered by Friday 8 March, 2024
  • School sport coordinators are ask to nominate students for the trials using this link. All details in the nomination should be completed.
  • School Sport Coordinators will be sent the list to approve students to attend the trial.
  • School Sport Coordinators will provide selected students with event information and notify students of accepted nominations
  • Players who nominate should be experienced in Netball, play regularly and have representative background.
  • The nomination form will require player name, DOB, school, current club, preferred position(s) and background/representative history
  • Nominations close on Friday 8 MARCH, 2024



  • Is a central clock, which will sound to designate start and finish game times. IT DOES NOT STOP.
  • Each game is 20 minutes long – 10-minute halves with no half time – immediate turnaround at half time. There is a 5-minute warm up OR changeover time between games. Teams not ready to start at the schedule time will forfeit 2 points for each minute elapsed until 10 minutes, at which stage a forfeit will be declared and the score recorded as 20-0. Teams must have a minimum of 3 players for a game to commence

More Information

  • 1 time out per game per team only. Time out is 1 minute.
  • The CLOCK DOES NOT STOP FOR TIMEOUTS, EXCEPT IN THE SEMI FINALS & FINAL – No timeout in round games in the last 2 minutes. FOR SEMI-FINALS & FINALS the clock will stop on every whistle and basket in the last minute. For pool games, drawn results stand.
  • If there is a draw in a semi or the final in the playoffs for the top 4 positions, an extra 2 minutes will be played to decide the outcome of the game. The last minute should be fully timed. In finals a 2-minute ½ time will be allocated.

Bonus Shots

  • Will be awarded after 8th foul in each half of games in round games and after the 5th foul in each half of the game in finals.

Score Sheets

  • Must be completed at the bench/duty table before each game commences.
  • Do not take score sheets away from the bench area. Each player's surname and initial should be written on the score sheet at least 5 minutes prior to the start of each game. The coaches’ name should appear in the space provided.
  • Score sheets must be signed by referees and handed in immediately after each game by a score bench representative to carnival control.

More Information

  • 3 points for a win, 2 points for a draw, 1 point for a loss, and 0 points for a forfeit.
  • At the conclusion of the rounds, team placing’s will be determined by the number of points earned. In the event of 2 or more teams finishing on equal points, preference will be given to the team winning the games between the teams concerned. If teams are still equal, a ratio of points for versus points against will determine the final placing.
  • Please read the draw carefully. Please be in attendance at least 5 minutes prior to your game to complete the score sheet.
  • Schools disputing the referee’s decision or using inappropriate language will be warned and if a repeat offence occurs the player will automatically be disqualified from that game. Players disqualified by referees from a game, shall not play in the following game for their team. Individual schools or the convener may lengthen this suspension
  • All teams must adhere to the rules of the game, other than stated here. Please instruct your team members of their responsibilities/duties.
  • No verbal abuse (swearing / put downs etc) will be tolerated. Students will be sent off for any verbal abuse. Please refer to the code of conduct which outlines behaviour expectations of players, coaches and spectators.
  • All current Australian Rules FIBA will apply, except as specifically varied below and at the convener’s discretion.
  • UNIFORM: All teams must be correctly attired in their school playing uniforms. Identical Singlet/tops must be numbered. Players cannot take the court out of uniform.
  • EQUIPMENT: Supply your own Basketballs, singlets, whistles for each referee and First Aid Kit.
  • CANTEEN: A limited canteen will be available on the day.
  • Please read the draw carefully. Please be in attendance at least 10 minutes prior to your game to complete the score sheet. Note there will be no cross over semi-finals in juniors.
  • Team managers/coaches are to monitor player behaviour at all time and take required action to deal with any inappropriate behaviour both on and off the court. Please refer to the code of conduct at the top of this page.
  • Schools disputing the referee’s decision or using inappropriate language will be warned and if a repeat offence occurs will be automatically be disqualified from that game.
  • At the conclusion of the rounds, team placing’s will be determined by the number of points earned. In the event of 2 or more teams finishing on equal points, preference will be given to the team winning the games between the teams concerned.
  • If teams are still equal, a ratio of points for versus points against will determine the final placing.
  • All teams must adhere to the rules of the game, other than stated here. Please instruct your team members of their responsibilities/duties.
  • Points allocation– 3 pts a win, 2 pts a draw, 1 pt a loss, 0 pts a forfeit