Organisation and Services of Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong


Bishop of Wollongong

In Church Law the Diocesan Bishop has the right and corresponding responsibility of oversight in regard to all Catholic Schools within his territory. Furthermore, Catholic religious instruction and education provided in any school is subject to his authority. Clergy and laity, each according to their own competency and according to Canon Law, share in these responsibilities of the Bishop.

Diocesan Schools Council

The Bishop has established a Diocesan Schools Council to advise him on matters pertaining to parish and diocesan schools, with particular emphasis on the evangelising thrust of Catholic schools within the mission of the Church, Catholic religious education, learning and teaching, strategic planning and resourcing. To assist in these matters, three Standing Committees have been established in the areas of Finance, Planning & Infrastructure and Religious Education. 

Director of Schools

The leadership and strategic management of the Wollongong Catholic system of schools is the responsibility of the Director of Schools, who is in turn, responsible to the Bishop of Wollongong. The Director is accountable for the operation of the systemic schools, the management of the Catholic Education Office and for providing creative leadership in the provision of resources, policy formation, strategic positioning and implementation processes in order to ensure the effectiveness of Catholic schools in the diocese. This role supports the evangelising mission of the Church in the diocese.

Service Areas

The Director is supported by the senior positions of seven Heads of Service who support schools in their provision of quality Catholic learning and teaching. Our Service Areas are as follows: Directorate Services; Human Resource Services; Finance, Facilities, ICLT & Planning; Catholic Life, Education and Mission Services; and School Improvement Services in Primary, Secondary and Specialist Support.


In addition, Professional Officers, Education Officers, Support Teachers and Administrative Officers make up the Catholic Education Office workforce. These positions carry either office or school-based responsibility and are accountable to the Director of Schools through their Head of Service and Team Leader.

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