'All Roads Lead to God' - Alice Wilson, Year 5 St Thomas Aquinas Bowral

St Thomas Aquinas Bowral Year 5 Alice Wilson

'All roads lead to god' 
alice wilson
st thomas aquinas catholic primary school, bowral
year 5

My artwork is inspired by the reading “Journey to Bethlehem” (Luke 2: 3-5)). These words made me reflect on the Christmas Story, there are many ways to get to God. The passage inspired me to create my artwork with many paths leading to our new king Jesus, rather than just one path because there are many ways to connect with God. 

I created my artwork using spray paint to create a realistic looking star. Acrylic paint was used for the rocks, desert and path to allow these objects to stand out. I used a black pen for the inns, as they were less prominent in my artwork and I wanted the path and the star to be the main features. The stable was painted in gold to emphasise the significance of this place. An acrylic pour was used for the desert ground representing the many different colours and textures found in a desert. I used a template to make an impact on the shadowing of the inns, giving them a distinct line.

My personal connection to my Christmas Story Artwork is travelling on many paths in life to see where they will take me. I trust in God that he will guide me throughout my life journey, whatever this may turn out to be.


St Thomas Aquinas Bowral Year 5 Alice Wilson



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