'Star from Heaven' - Antonio Ferraz, Year 5 St Francis of Assisi Warrawong

St Francis of Assisi Warrawong Year 5 Antonio Ferraz


'star from heaven' 
Antonio Ferraz
st francis of assisi catholic primary school, warrawong
year 5

My artwork is based on the story ‘The Birth of Jesus and Visit of the Magi’ from Matthew 1: 18-25. 

In my artwork I created a bright gold star, representing the star that guided the Three Wise Men to Jesus the night he was born. Similar to how the star guided the Magi in the scripture passage, it represents a guiding light in my life as it reminds me of a time when I was younger and we had a power outage. I couldn’t see anything until my Mum lit a candle and showed me the way to her. 

I made the star in my artwork large and bright to represent the star being noticeable among the other stars in the sky. I decided to paint the star gold to make it stand out as a guiding light and to also represent the gifts the Three Wise Men brought to Jesus as one of them was gold. I also used cotton balls to represent clouds, showing how high the star was in the sky. 

I decided to create a bright star because it provided the Magi with the gift of light that guided them to the newborn King. This makes me imagine how hard it would have been for them to find Jesus without a bright star to follow.


St Francis of Assisi Warrawong Year 5 Antonio Ferraz



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