'Kiss of Joy' - Keirah McKenzie, Year 5 St Clare's Narellan Vale

St Clare s Narellan Vale Year 5 Keirah McKenzie

major AWARD: bishop's choice award
2023 Year 5 finalist

'kiss of joy' 
Keirah McKenzie
st clare's catholic primary school, narellan vale
year 5

The inspiration for my artwork is the reading ‘The Visit of the Magi’ (Matthew 2:9-12) and

Fairywong’s drawing, titled Mother Holding Her Sleeping Baby which have appropriated with colour. The scripture passage relates to when the three wise men entered the barn and saw the child with Mary, his mother. It describes how the three wise men felt whilst witnessing baby Jesus the new king.

I used colours and lines in my artwork to depict a stained glass window. This makes me feel joyous, curious and adventurous. I connect this to the emotions the three wise men were feeling when following the star. It also highlights how the colours of the Magi are represented as purple, green and gold to show power, faith and justice.

I created my artwork using watercolour pencils, sharpies, blending tools and a black pen. The blue behind Mary represents trust, which is what Mary felt in saying yes to God and believing that God was going to be with her and Jesus in their journey. The technique’s I used are blending to combine the colours together for a better appearance, shading for Mary and Jesus to show the dark and light parts of their faces.

My Christmas story artwork makes me believe that mothers have never ending love for their children and encourage their children to be the best they can be.


St Clare s Narellan Vale Year 5 Keirah McKenzie



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