'The Humble Birth of the Messiah' - Pia Jochum, Year 5 St Clare's Narellan Vale

St Clare s Narellan Vale Year 5 Pia Jochum

2022 Year 5 Highly Commended

The Humble Birth of the Messiah
Pia Jochum
St Clare’s Catholic Primary School, Narellan Vale 
Year 5

Inspired by Luke 2:9-14 and  illustrating  how Jesus suffered and died on the cross for our sins, I used a polyptych series of artworks with black backgrounds to form a cross. Jesus is the world's brightest and most illuminating light, so I wanted to mount my artworks on a warm yellow board to symbolise his love and welcome. Like the Magi were, I think the animals would have been just as astounded by the Lord's mighty presence. I depicted them looking in awe at the miracle baby who was a gift from God and would grow up to die for us and our sins so we may live forever in heaven. I avoided using any sharp edges or strong colours in order to truly soften the artwork and give it a welcoming appearance. I also portrayed the significance and humility of the occasion. 

My intention was to make my artwork truly stand out while maintaining a gentle and delicate appearance. I used pastel pencils and standard soft pastels to produce my artwork by blending to smooth and correct any jagged edges. Animals serve as a constant reminder of the magnificent and unique beings God created, as well as how wonderful the earth truly is. I chose to sketch them instead of  people because I feel a strong connection to them.

St Clare s Narellan Vale Year 5 Pia Jochum2

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